Giving Thanks for Those Who Gave All

Today is Memorial Day, here in the United States. We dedicate today in remembrance of the those who gave their all, in defense of our country. Giving thanks is the least we can do for those who gave their lives, so that we might live freely. It takes much bravery to shed one’s blood for the unconditional love of one’s fellow countrymen. These soldiers acted in a very Christ-like manner, remembering Christ’s own words: No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends (John 15:13). As Jesus gave His life, on the Cross, to defeat sin and death, our deceased soldiers gave their lives to preserve our freedom. Unlike Christ, who knows us intimately, these soldiers don’t even know our names. Yet, they gave their all for our sake. That is ultimate human love and generosity at its best. Read more...