Why I Love St. Maria Faustina, and Some Thoughts on Sorrow

Saint Maria Faustina We had two weeks with our kitten. The night before she went missing, my husband and I marveled at just how beautiful she was. She had perfect white mittened feet and beautiful gray and white markings, with a white belly. He saw a picture on National Geographic newsfeed, and thought for a second it was a picture of Aranea, our kitty. We got her our kids for Christmas, and she could not have been more sweet natured. The kids loved her. They bonded deeply with her in the two weeks she spent with us. We found her through a Craigslist animal adoption agency. We paid some money for her. Our kids were thrilled when they heard the “MEOW” coming from a Christmas box! She warmed our home and filled it with life. When almost a whole day went without her, I admit I panicked. I searched the streets in the front and back of our house. I called her name, I put food on the front and back porch, just hoping it would lure her back. Read the rest ...