Blessings to Give

In the Compass Catholic small group bible study: Navigating Your Finances God's Ways -- week 5 examines the 4 elements of giving: attitudes advantages amount approach Attitudes My discovery here was si mple and was eluded to in the last week's post . I have no trouble giving money. I think it is a wonderful gift to be able to share with others. I do need to be weary of my motives - the whole don't let your left hand see what your right hand is doing. My trouble honestly is not in my generosity with treasure but with time and talent. Although, I have also learned that my monetary generosity needs to be budgeted and that 'giving from your poverty' does not mean going into credit card debt . My attitude needs some tweaking as I consider how I will share my time. I am very stingy with my time. Perhaps this is best explained by sharing that I am an extrovert with introverted tendencies; meaning I love being with people ...