God is Not Fair - Insights and A-ha's (Book Review Reflection)

"WOW" Moments The Month of May has been trying but also one of the most spiritually fruitful of my life. After putting off a routine mammogram for nearly 5 years, I finally went. The test revealed an enlarged lymph node - I am happy to report it was finally determined to be due to inflammation [You can listen to the MIRACULOUS story evolving that on t his special episode of A Seeking Heart with Allison Gingras - it is NOT everyday one receives a favor from a Almost-Saint]. As the Lord, slowly walked me through this valley, Fr. Horan's words were equal parts comforting and inspiring. This was a time of acute awareness to pray always with urgency but without anxiety. Here are some other "WOW" moments gleamed during that time from the pages of God is Not Fair : We are not better than anyone else. Regardless of what blessings God has allowed in your life, what talents you posses, or how you use them. Additionally, those gifts tha...