"One Day Your Eyes Will Be Glad To See Me..."

John's Story: I died. I went through the darkness to the light and was before the throne of judgement. Looking around I saw his Guardian Angel, instantly recognizing him, although this was the first time I had ever laid eyes upon him. I turned to my left and saw a hideously deformed creature that had nothing by hate and evil in his eyes, especially directed at me. For the first time I had breathed my last breath, I was afraid. There was someone else there also, a woman, I didn't immediately recognize. I knew where I was, I was at my judgement, and that scared me even worse. I hadn't lived the best life, I wasn't really nice to people, kind of selfish really, even in my own family. Even when I was near death I didn't want to give anything to anyone, not even very many kind words. Being given a time to die was a great gift, because, although I wasn't a perfect saint, I did have a chance to repair some damage I had done in...