Thoughts For The Ascension of Our Lord

Those poor Apostles. Even now after spending the last forty days with Jesus since His Resurrection, they still don't quite "get it". Our Lord still hears their doubts; they question Him about what He will do, will He go now to restore Israel? Jesus' Passion, Death and Resurrection did and does restore, perhaps not nations, but hearts and souls. The Apostles would need the Holy Spirit to understand what Jesus' mission was about, and in a few short days they would receive His Holy Spirit to continue His mission of spreading the Gospel. We too need the Holy Spirit, given to us at our Baptism and Confirmation, to spread the Good News of Jesus in our own parts of the world. As we celebrate Our Lord's Ascension in glory to His place at the father's right hand, let us not gaze toward the sky seeking heaven, but to Jesus present in the Holy Eucharist, for He is the promise of heaven. Holy Spirit, Enliven in us Your gifts so that we may come to know God and ...