January 1: Mary, Mother of God and Me

Today we honour Blessed Mary Ever-Virgin, Most Holy Mother of God because she is the True Theotokos – God Bearer – Dei Genitrix. Let us pray As we begin this New Year let us accompany the Mother of God in following her Son. Let us fall deeper in love with our Saviour. On this Solemnity of Mary,we focus on her vocation as the mother of Jesus; she is the “Theotokos,” the Holy Mother of God. The Church, at the Third Ecumenical Council in 431 AD, bestowed that name upon her emphasizing not only who Mary is but also who Jesus is – fully God and fully man. She was not the mother only of His human side but of God Himself in human form . As a mother I have written about the fact that when my babies were born, I was reborn as a mother. This is what I see happening to the Blessed Virgin Mary as well; the birth of Jesus transformed her into a mother but not just of the physical infant Jesus but of God himself and of all of us. Mary is my mother, too. So join m...