
Showing posts with the label creativity

Make Something Out of Nothing for Your Kids: Crochet Toys

These finger puppets can become the shepherds, wise men or the Holy Family I have more time than money so I like to make my gifts for all my adult “kids,” kids-in-law, and grandkids. It is important in our consumer-driven society to show children they can create toys with things around the house. Boxes can become dollhouses or a car; a blanket can be used to make a tent rather than buying a playhouse. Parents have to encourage and model creativity, making use of material around the house. Teach little ones how to substitute and make do when they don’t have what they  think  they need. continue reading

The Toddler God

After having five girls and then a boy, you can't tell me that there's no difference between boys and girls. My son, who will be two in January, makes animals growl at each other, says "vroom vroom" every time he sees a car, makes swords out of just about everything and loves to throw things. He does these things without any promptings. None of my girls did these things. Having a son is giving me a better understanding of what Jesus must have been like as a child as well as adding to our joy.  Continue Reading @ Beautifulthorns>