Focusing on Blessings and Growing in Virtue

I have never been a big fan of New Years resolutions. (I do realize it’s February but stay with me!) I can never seem to keep those resolutions. It can be so defeating to begin something big at the start of a fresh year and then “fail” at whatever change I have made. A year is a L O N G time! Plus there are SO many things I want to work on, how do I decide which ONE thing to work on all year through? Why do we feel such a need to start fresh on the first day of a new year, or even the start of a new month or week? I am so grateful God’s Mercies are new EACH MORNING! We are offered a fresh start each and every day! That just gives me such comfort. If you want to read more about what my family is doing to focus on blessings and grow in virtue click here .