
Showing posts with the label Minnesota

Snow, Yes; Storm, No: Another Thursday in Minnesota

Former President Jimmy Carter's funeral was at the top of my news feed briefly, earlier this morning. Then the California wildfire headlines bobbed back up: reminding me that living in the frozen north does have advantages. More at A Catholic Citizen in America . (Fire, winter storm warnings, a weather map, headlines: and why I prefer living in central Minnesota. We have experience, dealing with our weather.)

Christmas: Family, Lights, and a Little Weirdness

This week I started writing about a holiday visit from family up in North Dakota. By Friday afternoon I was looking at depression and a prayer: Good Times, Good Visit Mass in Minnesota: Freezing Fog and Celebrating Anyway Babies and Expectations Holiday Weirdness Meanwhile, at Our House Two Incidents After Mass Desolation, Dissatisfaction, Depression, and a Prayer ... More at A Catholic Citizen in America . (A family visit, freezing fog for Christmas, celebrating anyway. A little holiday weirdness. Depression, a prayer, and St. Ignatius of Loyola: very briefly.)

A Substation Gone and a Dam in Trouble: This Year it’s Flooding

...That's not the only place in Minnesota with flooding problems this week. This spring was the first time in two years that no place in Minnesota was experiencing a drought. That’s good news, but the flooding isn't.... More at A Catholic Citizen in America . (Mankato-area Rapidan Dam is missing a substation, and may fail. Two years we've had drought, now flooding. A very quick look at a Minnesota Monday.)

Silly Headlines and Space Aliens, Serious Science and UAPs

Monday, I wondered what I was going to write about this week. Then I read that scientists found methane and carbon dioxide in a not-really-Earth-like planet's atmosphere — and saw a silly headline or two.... ...Anyway, K2-18's atmosphere is mostly on hold for now. Instead, I'll talk about (alleged) space alien bodies, Nazca Lines and (human) mummies. And I'll take a look at NASA's UAP report. A quick look. It's been one of those weeks. Nice Weather, a Drought, and Me "Two mummified alien corpses..." ??? "Experts", Extraterrestrials, and Exclamation Marks "Nazca Mummies" and — — The Skull of Doom Speculation and the Nazca Lines K2-18b: Carbon Dioxide, Methane, and — Plankton?! Existing UAP Reports: Acknowledging Possibilities Attitudes Questions More at A Catholic Citizen in America . (My take on science news this week: allegedly alien mummies, K2-18b and organic gasses, a NASA UAP report. Unwarranted ass...

Labor Day Weekend: Staying Home

These days, the first Monday in September is Labor Day. Officially, it's when we "honor the energy and innovation of working Americans": and, maybe, unions.... ...Unofficially, it's the last day of summer: when many Americans take vacations and/or pull out of their lake places. I expect to see a familiar boat or two parked in back yards next week.... More at A Catholic Citizen in America . (Why I am staying home Labor Day weekend. Plus a quick look at official and unofficial reasons for celebrating, and a very little history.)

Fear, Change, a Loving God: and Choices

This week I'm sharing what Fr. Mark Botzet said during Mass on the last Sunday in June. I was going to just post his homily and let it go at that. But then I thought his focus on fear might make more sense if I put it in context of what's been happening in my part of the world. So I've put a short (for me) look at life in central Minnesota, and the big picture, after Fr. Botzet's homily. Fr. Mark Botzet's Homily — June 25, 2023 Four Decades, Two Millennia and the Long Haul (Brian H. Gill) Under the Circumstances... Promises and the Best News Ever More at A Catholic Citizen in America . (Dealing with changes in Parishes on the Prairie ACC. Remembering priorities. Not letting fear distract us from what is important.)

Independence Day: Freedom, Citizenship and Looking Ahead

I like being an American. There. I've said it. I like living in a country where freedom of speech is part of our heritage. And where freedom of expression extends even to folks whose ideas aren't approved by The Establishment's current iteration. Usually.... More at A Catholic Citizen in America . (A quick look at America over the last century: good times, droughts, politics; and getting through anyway. Why being a good citizen matters: to me, anyway.)

Green Sahara, Environmental and Climate News

Glancing at my news feed this month, I've noticed that Europe is burning, California is ablaze, and Alaska has caught fire. All because of climate change.... ...Blazing California suburbs have been routine summer news for decades. European and Alaskan wildfires, not so much. I'll grant that this has been an unusually fire-prone year. On the other hand, I won't "trouble deaf heaven with my bootless cries" over the doom and gloom presumably facing us all. Trying to pretend that Earth’s climate doesn't change — or shouldn't, at any rate — doesn't make any more sense than jumping on the gloom wagon. Not to me. Neither does believing that we're in the secular equivalent of End Times. More at A Catholic Citizen in America . Climate change happens. So does sound and fury. Headlines, a good idea or two, the Little Ice Age and a crisis at the dawn of civilization: maybe.

My Week that Was, and Wonderfully Weird Worlds

Monday afternoon was sunny and warm. For central Minnesota in January. The high was around 32° Fahrenheit, 0° Celsius. Our sidewalk and driveway were free(ish) of snow, with a bit over a half-foot covering the yard. The weather station at Sauk Centre Municipal Airport was back online Thursday afternoon, and then the National Weather Service posted a Winter Weather Advisory for this area. Sauk Centre Municipal Airport isn't in the Chicago O'Hare class. But with two runways, hangar space for 11 private aircraft, a fuel pump and a private airplane maintenance facility, it meets our needs. Granted, one of the runways is a grass surface marked with yellow cones. I don't know if it's usable in winter. And that's another topic.... More at A Catholic Citizen in America .

Sifting Through the Ash Heap of History

Petrarch called Rome "a rubbish heap of history." That's what Ferdinand Gregorovius says Petrarch wrote in a letter, at any rate.... ...A bit over a half-millennium after Petrarch, a fair number of notables have used variations on "rubbish heap of history:"... ...So I'll be sifting through our ash heap: starting with a wrap-up of what I said about Pericles and good times (for some) in Athens three weeks back. More at A Catholic Citizen in America .

COVID-19: Attitudes, Frustrations, and Perspective

Since I'll be talking about COVID-19, variants, and the pandemic, clarifications may be in order. I had COVID-19 vaccinations in May and June, because I thought it was a good idea. Politicos, partisans and crackpots have been throwing accusations and assertions about the pandemic at each other. I'll be talking about that, but I'm not 'political.' I've neither been proclaiming that one political party is in league with the Antichrist, nor denouncing another as a tool of fascists and racists. And, although I think the COVID-19 pandemic is real, I haven't been dreading America's impending doom and destruction. More at A Catholic Citizen in America .

Olympic Games Tokyo, Stearns County Fair Sauk Centre

The 2020 Summer Olympics and Stearns County Fair are both in progress this weekend. One is an annual agricultural and commerce show, the other is half of a four-year Olympiad; but they're not entirely different. The COVID-19 pandemic shut both down last year, for example.... ...Can't say that I blame Tokyo officials for saying that they could keep athletes and visitors safe, though. My culture has variations on 'the show must go on' — and sometimes it makes sense. But the International Olympic Committee said 'not now, maybe next year.' Can't say that I blame them, either. I had quite a bit to say this week, mostly about Olympic history .... More at A Catholic Citizen in America .

Drought, Air Quality Alert: Living in the Upper Midwest

CANADA BURNS AS SMOKE SHROUDS MINNESOTA!!! Well, no. Not really. Although that'd make a dandy headline. On the other hand, maybe it's too obviously overblown. Maybe there's a fine line between headlines that grab attention without inspiring thought and those destined for supermarket checkout lines. Or maybe it's more a matter of style and content. And that's another topic, for another day. At any rate, wildfires in two Canadian provinces, Ontario and Manitoba, triggered an Air Quality Alert for my part of Minnesota. More at A Catholic Citizen in America .
(Drought conditions in Minnesota. (July 13, 2021)) There's more to life than drought and disease, but that's mostly what I'll talk about today. Partly because discussing what I've seen in headlines would mean more research and effort than I have time for this week. Besides, apart from a Hubble update and the Pope's liturgical fine-tuning, 1 it's mostly routine. Take this sample from yesterday and today, for example.... More at A Catholic Citizen in America .

Minnesota, July, 2021: Drier and Deeper in Drought

(Drought conditions in Minnesota. (July 6, 2021)) My part of Stearns County, Minnesota, had moderate drought back in mid-June. This week's map promoted us to severe drought. Maybe the map's drought data included the 38 hundredths of an inch we got on Tuesday. But I doubt it. More at A Catholic Citizen in America — Annual average temperatures, 1895-2016; trends — and a silly suggestion: linking Starbucks and global warming. (Nota bene — It's a joke!)

Alabaster Cities, Fireworks, a Condo Disaster and Tears

Patriotism comes in many flavors: cheesy, sour, salty: and that's enough 'flavor.' Maybe too much. My country's Independence Day celebration, our Fourth of July, started me thinking about patriotism. Also screwball notions, drought and Florida's pancaked condo. But mostly, the impending holiday is probably why part of an old song has been on my mind's playlist this week.... More at A Catholic Citizen in America .

Blue Sky, Tan Grass, Second COVID-19 Shot and Fever

I've been enjoying this week's bright blue skies and sunshine. I'd have been enjoying them more, if I hadn't been recovering from my second COVID-19 shot. And if our skies hadn't been quite so consistently clear. Sunshine's fine, but we need rain. On the 'up' side, my body's response to the mRNA vaccine could have been much worse. More at A Catholic Citizen in America .

Floyd/Chauvin Trial, Taser Trouble and Irksome Issues

On Tuesday, April 20, 2021, a jury said that Derek Chauvin murdered George Floyd. Folks have been reacting to that. But protestors haven't torched Minneapolis shops and services in the three days since then. Not as far as I know. Which is a relief, but not a surprise. For one thing, it's late April: still a bit too chilly for comfort during pyromaniac performance art's prime time. I'll be taking a quick look at headlines. Then I'll talk about life, law, justice and why I think murder is a bad idea. More at A Catholic Citizen in America .

Texas Power Failure: Winter Storm Uri (and Minnesota)

A winter storm was moving across North America a couple weeks back. By February 15, when The Texas Tribune posted Miguel Gutierrez Jr.'s photo of Austin's Interstate 35 near Stassney Lane, we were dealing with sub-zero (Fahrenheit) temperatures and serious windchill. And, for the most part, dealing successfully. I live in central Minnesota. The mid-February storm included temperatures that were unusually cold, compared to the last 50 years. More at A Catholic Citizen in America .

Sauk Centre’s Adoration Chapel: (Not) Back to Normal

My town's Eucharistic Adoration chapel isn't back to normal. But it's getting there.... More at A Catholic Citizen in America .