Sacred Silence of Adoration; A Heartfelt Experience

Earlier this month, we had a special evening of Adoration at my Church. We wanted to share this event with those coming into full communion with the Catholic Church at our Easter Vigil. It was a splendid evening, starting with the Stations of the Cross, then the exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. The period of Adoration was accompanied by praiseworthy music, a meditation from St. Teresa of Calcutta and sacred silence. During the time of sacred silence, we were encouraged to approach Jesus and touch the Monstrance. I had never touched the Monstrance during a period of Adoration ever! Let me tell you, it was an overwhelming experience. I couldn’t hold the tears back! The love for Jesus, felt at that moment, cannot be put into words. It was an awesome hour of Adoration, concluding with Benediction. Read more...