
Hi ladies...thanks very much to Marion & Joanna for helping me access this blog! My google signing in has problems..anyway I seem to be able to post now. We have 22 blog authors who all have admin permission. It seems to be working well. The posts have been amazingly inspiring. My friend Francis Phillips who posted on the Catholic Herald blog about the guild of bloggers has changed her mind about not wanting a separate blog for women. I asked her to drop by & my was she impressed! I know I keep saying I might disappear for a while! Well we move in to our new house totally on friday & won't have internet access for over a week, Maybe someone will take pity on me & invite me over! lol
I am happy for you all to help Marion out...if there are suggestions to make do go ahead..it's your blog! Oh & do spread the word amongst your friends..God bless.

Oh moving on from my old blog lead kindly light...to heart speaks unto heart


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