Between God's Shoulders

I spent 9 hours at the local hospital yesterday with my Mum, who fell off her mobility scooter and fractured her upper arm and broke her hip. Things are not good, as Mum's hip is badly broken (bone crushed) and she is having a hip replacement hopefully some time today (depending on emergencies, as it's weekend!) She's going to be in for at least 2 weeks and possibly a rehabilitation centre afterwards She's also very frightened, understandably, and was in a lot of pain, but morphine has helped. The ward staff were lovely, and she'll be cared for. I have also gained an elderly cat one-eyed cat called Rameses who is coming here to live with us until she's home!

But on my mind all day yesterday was a verse I found in a Catholic Women's Devotional the other day, which really impressed upon me, this one:
About Benjamin he said:
“Let the beloved of the Lord rest secure in him,
for he shields him all day long,
and the one the Lord loves rests between his shoulders.”
Deuteronomy 33:12
This verse has strengthened and upheld me all through this, with the thought of being carried between God's shoulders, like a baby in a papoose, secure in God. It has been such a blessing to me...

I didn't sleep well last night, and had 2 awake periods, one for an hour, but didn't get up and used them to pray. I felt really panicky, with everything that's happened and its implications going round and round in my head, but kept repeating and repeating that verse about being between God's shoulders (which I've memorised) over and over. It helped. This morning I feel less worried/anxious, and have faith that "all will be well".

There are times in our lives when we are *hit* with things that threaten to overwhelm us, and knock us off our complacent and comfortable perches. It is at those times that God bends down to us, swoops us up in His arms and carries us. They are also opportunities for grace and growth. I need to remember this!

God's blessings to you this day,

Please pray for us...
Autumn xx


  1. Beautiful piece. A place in my prayers for your Mother and yourself Autumn.

  2. Do you know this is wonderful to have you share this with us. I do hope your Mother is ok very soon...& let us your blogging friends pray for you all & hopefully support you at this time. xx

  3. This is a lovely reflection on real faith - when the rubber hits the road. Thank you. I will keep you and your mother in my prayers.

  4. Thank you. This blog/association is proving a real blessing to me just at the time I needed it most.
    God bless you lovely ladies!
    Autumn xx

  5. Thank you for this post and the perils of mobility scooters! I have osteoarthitis and have been up at night a lot lately, so thanks again; a good verse to memorise and praying for you both.


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