Well - blogger!

Well that was fun! Not! Blogger is misbehaving! I've had to jump through hoops to post this! Thanks to Marion for holding the fort! We have 11 blog authors now who all have admin authorisation. Marion is our main "man!" woops at the moment! I like Marion's advice re posting. I've had to behave myself & speak nicely! lol
I'm really sorry that we seem to have lost some of the excellent posts. Blogger state they will re-post them but so far they are still missing. What a time to set up a new blog! That said we have already some excellent fellowship & I urge you to spread the word to your friends & fellow bloggers. If you or they could send your emails to Marion on Marion Banks -Wilkinson m.bankswilkinson@btinternet.com & give blog details if they have one.I'm back to packing now!


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