Inspiring Story of Trust - First Friday Devotion to the Sacred Heart

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The following story was shared by Father Mateo Crawley-Boevey, SS.CC., the priest famous for promoting Home Enthronements to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. It is a very powerful example of hope and trust. It gave me much hope for certain family members who have not only fallen away from the Church but have turned their backs on Her teachings. I am sure it will inspire us all to have the same devotion to the Sacred Heart and to never stop praying for those relatives and family members, especially the most harden of sinners.

There was a certain sister, that when she become a nun offered her prayers and sacrifices, her Masses and Communions, her hours of adoration, her entire life in fact, for the conversion of her brother, a hardened sinner. Long years went by, and reports from home became increasingly worse as her brother plunged deeper and deeper into a life of sin. But she never lost hope, nor did her confidence in the Sacred Heart fail. Finally, one day came the news that her brother had committed suicide. He had drowned himself by jumping from a bridge. Everyone who knew him thought he went straight to hell. But his sister, with the faith that moves mountains, never once doubted the mercy of the Heart of Jesus. 'It is impossible,' she said, 'that after all these years of prayers and sacrifices my brother's soul is lost. I don't know how, but I believe my brother's souls has been saved.'

Our Lord rewarded the blind faith of this generous sister. One night she was awakened from sleep in her cell. She seemed to see her brother in a coffin that was all on fire. He told her that he was in purgatory suffering for his sins, but assured of salvation. Thanks to her prayers and sacrifices, to her Masses and Communions, he had received the grace to make an Act of Contrition the moment he jumped from the bridge. Once more the Sacred heart had proved that He never breaks His word.

From The Promises of the Sacred Heart: Enthronement of the Sacred Heart by Rev. Francis Larkin, SS.CC.


  1. Beautiful post..

  2. thank you for sharing! I have dear friend who has fallen far from the Church, I often fear for her, and wish I could do something, sometimes I think w forget prayer is powerful!

  3. Thank you Jackie.

    Amber, so simple yet like you wrote, we sometimes forget.


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