

Mary, women so strong, vessel of Gods loving word
Whose spirit rejoiced as Gabriel’s message was heard
Your life reflected hope, it was filled with trustfulness
Led by the voice of your Son you embraced holiness
Blest with a joyful heart yet you accepted sorrow too
At the foot of the cross, strong faith remained with you
You held the lifeless Word of God in a loving embrace
As tears of sadness streamed down your mourning face
Faithful you remained, strengthening those around you
Surrendered to God’s will, you did all he asked you to do
As your days on earth came to a close, God blessed you
No sting of death would touch you, at life’s evening dew

Frail woman, falling asleep, so gently her breaths cease
She knew no corruption of ravaging decay, only peace
She entered heaven’s home, redeemed flesh and blood
Our goal on earth is to follow her by living as we should
Mother of God, our hope, our refuge, our guiding star
Help us to reach heaven too, so we can be where you are

Fr Patrick Brennan © 2011

The last few lines change from your and you, to her and she, indicating Mary's falling asleep to this world and awaking to heaven. The last few lines introduce us and our, reaffirming our devotion to Mary. The last reference to Mary being "You" because our hope for heaven is a present reality for Mary, the first Christian assumed body and soul into heaven. Where she has gone we hope to follow.


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