O Star of Bethlehem, Bring Us to The Savior

It is said that Christ left the sand dollar as a symbol to help the evangelists teach the faith. The five holes commemorate the five wounds of Christ, while at the center on one side blooms the Easter Lily, and at the lily’s heart is the Star of Bethlehem. The Christmas poinsettia is etched on the other side, a reminder of Christ’s birth. According to this legend, if you break the centre, five white doves will be released to spread goodwill and peace.

It wasn’t long enough. My vacation, I mean. It’s the only time I gave myself permission to ….STOP….thinking, worrying, rehearsing, perplexing about the moment to moment grind of life.

I took an assignment with me: All the books I wanted to catch up on reading, but never had enough time. They sat, by the nightstand—just like they do at home, but in this, their rest was purposeful. This had a message for me.

What is it about the sea that captivates me so? It’s beauty? Yes, but the mountains cry out the Majesty of the Creator and I love them too. No, it’s more than the beauty. It’s the inescapable expression of power in motion. In the ebb and flow of the tide lies a hidden world…a secret life that teems with mystery. I peek and admire, but only the depths know the truth.

The force of the currents are hidden beneath the still surface and they demand respect.

Suddenly, I feel so small.

You can’t rehearse worry here, because the cresting waves constantly sound their arrival to the shore while the sandpipers run from the foam to keep their little feet dry. Sight and sound drown out the angst. You can’t do anything here but empty yourself.

I was treasure hunting for shells to add to my collection, remember? Again words from “The Gift of the Sea,” reminded me;

The sea does not reward those who are too anxious, too greedy, or too impatient.

To dig for treasures shows not only impatience and greed…but lack of faith.

Patience, patience, patience…is what the sea teaches.

I think,

Lord, you may have taught this well to Anne Morrow Lindbergh,

but would you do it for me?

For 5 days…I didn’t read any books; I let the sea be my teacher and on the last day I was rewarded for waiting. As I strode along, a wave rolled back–

and the crystal sands peeled away like wrapping paper offering a gift…

A sand dollar. One perfect white sand dollar finished enough to show. How did He time it just right for me to see?


I didn’t break the center, but I can still release the message of goodwill and peace. It’s ours for the asking.

O Star of Bethlehem….bring us to the Savior.



  1. You have written about one of my favorite things in all God's Creation~the sea. I could not agree with you more, when we are patient God gives so many beautiful and unexpected gifts from the sea like your sand dollar, or sea glass or a starfish, not to mention the array of seashells. I spend six days by the sea in a silent retreat each year. I am counting the days until this years retreat next month.
    Thanks for this beautiful post.

  2. I hope you have a wonderful time with the Lord on your silent retreat...and many unexpected gifts..

    Blessings, Karinann

  3. Interesting and thought provoking, but what is a sand dollar? not an item we are familiar with in UK, I presume its the skeletal remains of some sea creature?

  4. Oh my goodness! I never thought to explain it..So sorry :)

    The Sand Dollar is a flat-looking burrowing sea urchin. The flat rigid skeleton is called a test and has a five star pattern of pores.

    Sand Dollars live in shallow sandy waters and their fossils are washed up on coastal beaches regularly. These fragile fossils break easily, so finding a whole one is rare and special. They are a favorite among beachcombers, children, collectors, and decorators alike.
    ---Oregon Coast info guide


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