Our Lady's Qualities and Virtues and How We can Imitate Them

Our Lady is such a perfect model to imitate! We need look no further than on her many virtues...so many good qualities that we can follow if we only ask for her help. For some of us, it will not be so easy a task but it will be well worth it because in doing so, our dear blessed Mother will lead us to her beloved Son and keep us close to Him.

Imitation has its paradoxes. First, you cannot grow in Mary’s likeness unless you simultaneously dislike what makes you unlike her! Once a novice admitted to St. Therese: “I know there are many things I still have to acquire.” The Little Flower responded: “Say rather ‘have to lose!’ For Jesus will fill your soul with splendors in the measure that you disencumber it from its imperfections.”
Quotation source

There are countless ways we can be more like our Lady. Some of the virtues we should imitate are:

- Her Humility

- Her Docility

- Her Silence

- Her Faithfulness to God

- Her Gentleness

- Her Kindness

- Her Compassion

- Her Joyfulness

- Her Purity

- Her Modesty

- Her Holiness

- Her Wisdom

- Her Patience

- Her Obedience

- Her Mercy

- Her Perseverance

- Her Motherly love

- Her Generous Spirit

- Her Simplicity

- Her Spirit of Poverty

- Her Prudence

- Her total abandonment to God's Will

We can start imitating Our Lady's examples first within our homes...with our own families! What a better place to start practicing these virtues then with those we love so much and are so dear to us but who we probably take for granted...Defer to your spouse's will... Keep silent to avoid arguments...  Gently correct your children... Say a prayer when doing housework, especially if it is a chore you dislike...  Praise God every moment you have...  Ask our Lady to help you love our Lord more, especially when things are going wrong and you feel like no one understands your pains and sorrows.  There are many ways to follow our Lady's example in our homes.   Let us being today on this Saturday, the day dedicated to Our Blessed Mother.

Dear Blessed Mother, epitome of all that is good,
help me to follow your loving example in every aspect of my life,
so that I may learn to love your son more deeply.


  1. Thank you, Esther, for a lovely, and for me a timely post reminding me of my priorities!
    Autumn xx

  2. Did you ever notice that it's more difficult to practice virtues with your own family than with others? Or maybe it's just me. Thanks, Esther, this post is beautiful.

  3. Thank you dear ladies. You give me encouragement that I am not alone in my struggles to be good :-)

  4. Beautiful.

    @mary333 - no it's not just you. I have realized the same. I am much more sinful to my own family than to strangers. Every time I reflect on that, it really hurts internally.

  5. Beautifully thoughts...thank you!

    Yes, I agree Marry333 and Manny. It is so painful to reflect on the times that I have been less than charitable towards my own loved ones.

    I do remember someone once telling me..."Would Mary have spanked Jesus?" I know...an oversimplification. But her point was that how Mary parented should be used as a role model to us.


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