Please Support the Susan G. Komen for the Cure Foundation!

I am quite sure you are all well aware by now...

SGK has ceased to provide grants to Planned Parenthood.

They are quite simply put, under attack!

Please, now is the time to show them your support.  We do not want them to go back on their RIGHT Decision.

For more on this, please click here.

You can simply go to their FB Page and let them know that you Support them 100%; or, if you have the means, Support them Financially.

God Bless You in


  1. It's great they did this, but I'm afraid that when Planned parenthood comes out of under investigation, Komen will go back to funding them. I pray they don't, but it seems they only stopped because of the investigation. Let's pray for the best.

  2. I agree with you Manny. My fears though are not that PP will come out clean...their claim that only 3% of what they do is Murder is underquoted. And I have Faith that this will bring to light the True Nature of PP. And the reason for their being created.

    My fear is that SGK will return to funding due to lack of funds they receive from the Masses that are ill-informed and turning against SGK...

    All we can do is Pray and Educate!

    God Bless You in
    † JMJ †


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