First Communion Day

It pains me to say that the only thing I remember about my first communion is that I got to wear open-toed shoes for the first time and that I did NOT want to walk down the aisle with Phillip, another boy in the group, for fear it would appear we were getting married.

It was after reading St. Thérèse of Lisieux's "Story of a Soul" in her account of her first communion, that I realized it is possible for a child to understand the magnitude of this great gift (to a certain degree) and make ready their heart to receive Him with great reverence, excited anticipation, and joy.


  1. I remember my First Communion quite vivdly; largely because of the wonderful and aged nun who prepared me for it. I remember being nervous but so excited. know the pretty white lace dress played a part in that, but the nuns made me feel what I had entered into was special, not just the outfit or the party afterwards. I felt I was blessed to be taking Communion. After wobbling a bit in my teens and twenties, I'me so glad something like that joy has returned. I feel sorry for little kids today who aren't fully prepared and appreciative and whose families maybe aren't as involved as they could be. Thanks for posting this!

  2. That is so good. I think a mistake that is made sometimes, at least when I went through preparation and when I sang for a mass when I was a teenager for another group of first communicants, is that the focus is way too much on the child, and not the sacrament. Sometimes we are so concerned with the child "feeling" good, that we miss teaching them the most important mysteries of the faith! And they are going to "feel" good when they really experience the sacrament properly, but for the right reasons.


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