
The Visitation of Mary to Elizabeth is one of my favorite feasts. I love it for its humanness; I love it for its glowing simplicity. Mary visited Elizabeth because she had BEEN Visited by God. She didn't go to Elizabeth alone - she went with the Presence of Christ inside her. As members of the body of Christ, we carry Christ also. Oh, not in the same unique way, certainly. But according to Church teaching, we indeed carry Him within. Mary went on a simple visit to Elizabeth. It was an occasion that I'm sure went unnoticed by many. A woman went to visit her kinswoman; something that happened all the time. No one would have cried out: "look, there goes Mary on mission!" or "how about that! This visit will be written of in the Bible!" From the merely human perspective, it was simply a time of normal interaction between two women, two relatives. You and I have opportunities every single day to visit people ...