Writers' Bios

Administrator- Melanie Jean Juneau
Melanie Jean Juneau has been the administrator of ACWB since the summer of 2013.She is a wife, writer, and mother of nine children who blogs at joy of nine9.
Melanie is the Editor-in-Chief at Catholic Stand, a weekly columnist at CatholicMom, and has written, and Catholic365.
My name is Adrienne Thorne, and I’ve been working to develop a screenwriting career for the past six years. The slowness of the progress I’m making (which is typical) drove me to start something that was closely enough related to my passion that I could enjoy it. Thus my website of TV and movie reviews from a Catholic perspective was born. My goals right now are to increase my readership and eventually make money to help support my family (I have two little boys!) while my husband goes back to school. I’m definitely interested in doing guests posts on film and TV related topicsfor other blogs as well.
Ana Elena Barroso
My name is Ana Elena Barroso and I am a Mexican Catholic blogger since 2012 under the name of MUJER CATOLICA (catholic woman in Spanish)
Brought up catholic,member of the Regnum Christi catholic movement, mother of five strong young men and a beautiful young lady, and with more time to share my faith, I am honored to contribute to the expansión of your work to the spanish speaking community that looks for well fundamented articles that explain our reasons to believe in the Love of our God through his Son Jesus.
I have worked many years in an ONG that promotes better programs and content on tv, radio, cinema, internet and magazines while defending the rights of tv viewers and media users.
I also share the love of dogs with some of you, as I can see. I am training to become a dog therapy handler while working with handicapped, autistic and down syndrome boys and girls.
I will try to post on English as well as Spanish.
I would love to know the web addresses where each of you post your articles to promote them in social media. Mine are ;
blog :
twitter: @mujer_catolica
face: Mujer-catolica
Instagram: mujer_catolica
Instagram: mujer_catolica
Pinterest: mujer católica woman
Ann Chapin
I became Catholic in 1999 and soon after that was exposed to the iconographic tradition in the Catholic and Orthodox churches.
After doing some private study with some iconographers with the Prosopon School which teaches a traditional Russian style, I decided to embark on an experiment to create iconographic inspired art that is particularly suited for the Western eye. I’ve been working on that project specifically for the past 7 or 8 years, and don't expect to ever finish it.
I work mainly on canvas, but also on wood panels - typically works are large, as in the 9 or 10 foot range, but the wood panels are smalle
I’m very blessed to be married to David, who takes wonderful care of me, and have 3 cats, who constantly supervise all the painting.
I just started a blog called
The Holy Face Creation of art for prayer and contemplation
A. J. Avila

I am A.J. Avila, the author of three Catholic novels--Rain from Heaven, Nearer the Dawn, and Amaranth. (All net profits from these books go to charity.) I live in southern California with my husband, and since our two grown daughters have moved out, we are "empty-nesters." My blog, Reflections on My Catholic Journey, is about experiences I've had and how they have impacted my Catholic faith.
Topics include anything from my husband talking in his sleep (he thought I'd turned into a turtle!), my daughter's first ride on a carousel, to a gumball machine stealing my money. I try to keep posts light and humorous, although I do get more serious on occasion. My most popular post so far is "Your Anti-Catholic Guide," a tongue-in-cheek list of suggestions that shows how attacks against the Church are often downright ridiculous.
A. K. Frailey

Hi All! My real name is Ann Frailey but I go by the author title A.K. Frailey for no other reason that I thought it might be a little more memorable. Little did I realize that about half the authors now-a-days use their initials and books are now presented to readers by a veritable alphabet soup of names. Oh well, always trying to stay head of the curve - I once again managed to trip over the obvious: It isn't the name that makes the writer but the writing that makes the name!
Besides being an author I am also a mother. Should I restate that? Yeah, probably. Let's say - Besides being a full-time mother, I sometimes find a moment or two to scrape a couple of thoughts together and I actually write them down. There, much more honest. I feel better now. While I'm in the business of being a mother, I also love to teach. Hmmm, how awkward. How about: As a mother of 8, I find teaching a relatively safe way to save my sanity. Yes, that works. So, you get it now. I am a home schooling mother of 8 who also writes books, blogs, and occasionally cleans under appliances.
So enjoy the blogs and everything available here and let's get together again soon! For more info about me and my books visit my web site: http://www.akfrailey.com/
God bless and good reading!
Ann Murray

I am married with five grown-up children.
I am Irish and have lived in Belfast all my life. I'm an auxiliary member ( praying) of the Legion of Mary and am also active in my parish as a member of the Welcoming Team. I've been blogging for about 9 years and in my posts I witness to my faith in the public square of social media.
I have written 5 books of poetry/ reflections and expect to publish an e-book in Spring 29016.
Birgit Jones
Married to her high school sweetheart for 43 years, Birgit's heart belongs to family. Frequent visits from their 12 living grandchildren, from ages two through 14, ensure they don't suffer from an empty nest.
Birgit finds herself immersed in writing on her blog, CatholicLifeInOurTimes, where she reflects on current events with a Catholic, pro-life perspective. She also serves as Graphic Editor and Contributing Columnist at Catholic Stand as well as writing for other online Catholic publications.
As the proprietor of Designs by Birgit, she also pursues many creative endeavors at , promoting her pro-life/faith memes, which are published on her Facebook page, shared by dioceses across the country, and translated globally.
Bonnie Way

Bonnie Way joined the Catholic Church in 2007. She and her husband have been married since 2007 and have three daughters. She has a B.A. in English (2006) and a B.A. in Writing (2014). She blogs about motherhood, homeschooling, faith, BC travel, and book reviews atwww.thekoalabearwriter.com. When she's not writing, she can be found reading, having coffee with friends, or doing crafts with her daughters.
Brian H. Gill

I love our rich history and traditions: and understand that we are literally καθολικός,universal.
I'm fascinated by three things, that which:
Exists within the universe
Exists beyond
Might exist
A Catholic Citizen in America shows how I follow Catholic beliefs and practices in America today; and how faith and reason, science and religion, get along.
I've been an English teacher, a beet chopper, advertising copywriter, radio disk jockey, sales clerk, researcher/writer, flower delivery guy, graphic designer, employment interviewer, and held quite a few other jobs. Along theway I picked up undergraduate degrees in history and English: with art history, library science, and about two years of computer science on the side.
I'm married, we have four surviving kids. Three still live in the small Minnesota town I've called home for a third of a century.
One of the kids graduated with a music degree from Concordia College, Minnesota, and is married. Another graduated from Alexandria Technical College and is now an artist and cartoonist. A third is a writer, and the youngest is well on his way to being a computer geek.
More to the point, they're all fine people: and know why their parents are Catholic.
You'll find me on Google+ (Brian H. Gill), and Twitter (Aluwir).
Clare Lafferty

Clare Lafferty is a wife,mom and grandmom who is a revert to the Catholic faith. After more than 20 years away, she returned in the final days of Saint John Paul II. Now, loving her faith more than ever, Clare is a member of Our Lady of Peace parish in Williamstown, NJ where she teaches second-grade religious education. She also blogs about Scripture in her blog called Revelations and is a contributing writer for Catholic365.com
Connie Beckman

Connie Beckman resides in Helena Montana with her husband and their four cats and dog. She is an active member of the Cathedral of St Helena. She is a member of the Catholic Writer's Guild and a
small Catholic Writer's Group in Helena that meets monthly. She is a former editor and feature story
writer for a small bi-weekly newspaper. Connie has been published in a number of Catholic magazines.
Her desire as a writer is to encourage Catholic spiritual growth by sharing the truths of theCatholicfaith through the written word addressing a variety of subjects. Connie shares her joy and love of God at her website www.conniescatholiccorner.com.
“Go out to all the world and tell the good news.” Mark 16:15.
Cristina T
For my first post here at the Association of Catholic Women Bloggers, I thought it best to give you aflavor for why I write. Why I write Catholic, converted, unequally yoked, mother, Latina, Dominican Spirituality with a smattering of funny. I try to apply what I learn at mass to what I see in the secular.
I started onPinterest - which isn't very common. As a convert to the faith married to an atheist, I wanted a place that I could gather all I could about this wonderful, rich tapestry of faith while at the same time respecting my first vocation as a wife. In the dark, I could collect images attached to websites that spoke of scapulars, saints, the Virgin Mary, Third Orders, the Mass and the Sacraments. This would be my first schooling into the faith as it happened in real life - after RCIA.
The images turned into writing on a summer day last year and I write most every day. Some of myfavorite posts are funny, revealing, controversial and deeply personal. The point of all of it is, evangelization. I want anyone and everyone to know Him - even a little bit, but hopefully a lot.
If there is anything I can do to help a fellow Catholic blogger with anything, I am always around and can be found most anywhere.
Cynthia Scodova--The Mad-Eyed Monk
Because we are all Monks and our place of work is a seminary, our work a sacrament, our family a monastery, our home a sanctuary; may we learn what they are teaching us without believing God is elsewhere...

David Torkington
I am an author and speaker, specializing in Prayer, Christian Spirituality and Mystical Theology.I am also a journalist, and have written three columns for National Catholic Newspapers, two in the United Kingdom and One in the USA. I was the regular spirituality columnist for more than 10 years for the UK based Catholic Herald, for which I now post occasionally. However, I have started to concentrate on my books on Christian Spirituality, Franciscan Spirituality and Mystical Theology. I have only kept one regular column and that is as the monthly Spirituality columnist for the international Franciscan Magazine – 'The Messenger' that is based in Padua Italy.
My personal spirituality is predominately Franciscan, and my mystical theology is Carmelite, all welded together with a solid blend of Benedictine moderation.
I consider it my life's work to promote genuine Christian spirituality and prayer, and am currently working on my next book, 'Wisdom from the Christian Mystics - How to pray the Christian way''.
When not writing I love to spend time with my wife on our boat which we have kept for the past 25 years on the peaceful Beaulieu river, Hampshire, in the New Forest. We now sail out of Poole harbour exploring the quiet RSPB reserves and the Dorset Jurassic coast.
It is a privilege to be an ACWB writer and contributor and I enjoy the many gems which are published, most especially those from Melanie,the administrator, who publishes a wealth of wisdom, gleaned from being a 'mother of 9'.
Debbie Gaudino
Hi! My name is Debbie Gaudino and I am new to the Association of Catholic Women Bloggers and blessed to be here.

Saints 365 is my personal blog. Through it I provide reflections designed to encourage others (and myself) to "strive for the heights of holiness in the trenches of everyday life." My writings draw from the living word of scriptures, the wisdom of the saints and the teachings of the church and are presented through the lens of my own personal experience..
A Little About Me

I am also a happily married (17 years), homeschooling Mom to two beautiful children (my son is 11 and my daughter is 9). My husband and I were raised Catholic and had both fallen away from our faith for most of our young adult life. We experienced a major conversion at a Mass celebrated by Blessed John Paul II in Rome in 2000. Since then, our lives have been centered on knowing, loving and serving the Lord and his church.
Denise Yarrison

My name is Denise Yarrison. Everyone calls me De (pronounced Dee). I live in the suburbs of Philadelphia, PA with my husband, Marc, and our 2 kids, Abigail (age 11) and Adam (age 9). Oh, can’t forget Sammy, our sweet little guinea pig. We are members of a loving community at St. Mary’s Parish in Schwenksville, PA. I currently sit on Pastoral Council and am active in our music ministries. I enjoy all things outdoors and active (biking, hiking, swimming, gardening…) and am astounded regularly by the miraculous-ness of God’s creation, especially nature.
Professionally, I am a coach, a retreat leader, and a facilitator of bi-weekly women’s circles. The heart of my blogging, speaking and coaching is helping women (especially mothers) live from the mindset of Sufficiency; believing themselves to be sufficient, able, and enough - as designed by God. In coaching circles and at retreats we are learning to create supportive, affirming bonds with OURSELVES – first and foremost. Learning to cultivate resilience, self-compassion, and an unwavering belief in oneself. For these are qualities that, when cultivated and thriving within the hearts and minds of every mother, will also take root in every child, and will indeed create a more gentle, compassionate, and loving society.
Eileen Frank:

● I am filled with gratitude daily for my husband (my college sweetheart) and for our 2 children (now teens)...
●i am a dog-lover (greyhound-racetrack rescue) & cat-lover (a barn rescue); and, like Melanie, an old-house-lover...
●i am a music-lover, moved deeply by songs that mean something (especially to worship Him): and also think singing (or even dancing!) to music while doing the dishes is a must...
●i am a registered dietitian, which means I have a degree (BS) in nutrition (followed by internship & national exam). My past work experience involved both acute & long-term care; However, in recent years, I am a private consultant...
●i am revived, following a long, slow drift under, in danger of slipping into a catholic “coma” in the years following my Catholic education Amnesia & confusion had set in, till a sudden resuscitation took place upon the death of Pope John Paul II; then every cell within me awakened!...
●i am stirred; and was shaken by a wave of problems that struck me in 2010-2011; though, after 3 years, I can now say fortunately because it ultimately revealed something in need of great repair--my lack of trust in God--but He's
●ei am called "ei" for short since childhood; which helps remind me of my extreme littleness; and...
●ei am eileen, a child of God—like you! Happy to be here.
My Domestic Church

Elizabeth Reardon
Elizabeth Reardon of Theology is a Verb is currently a graduate student of Pastoral Studies at Loyola University, lay minister and facilitator for the Catholic Church, catechist, mother of three and wife of twenty years. Her introduction into the world of lay ministry began, as does for many, as a catechist of the faith for her children. Over the years, she has increasingly answered the call to give of her “time and talents” to a number of other parish ministries. As the daughter and granddaughter of educators, she has a passion to inspire the love of learning and is always, through retreats, and settings outside the classroom, seeking to help others grow in faith. Her writing, often Ignatian in practice, is an invitation to seek and create space for God in the midst of the busyness of everyday life.

Jeanne Gruner
A Return to Elegance
In 2007, I did what my family and friends thought impossible. I quit my fancy marketing executive job with a major New York City-area publishing company, coaxed the cat into her carrier, and with my husband, drove 400 miles to a 17 acre farm in rural Virginia. Today, at our farm Seven Oaks, I grow a life instead of merely making a living.
I'm a full-time, professional freelance writer, writing for magazines and online publications, as well as tackling projects for companies and marketing agencies. My latest book is Pricing Your Services - 21 Tips for More Profit, available on Amazon and Smashwords.
My Catholic-flavored blog, A Return to Elegance, came about after I finally took the plunge into sharing my journey as a recovering feminist into a returned-to-the-fold Roman Catholic embracing modest dressing, elegant living, and homemaking. Of sorts. The dust bunnies still have an attitude around here, but I'm trying.
When I'm not writing, you can find me working in my garden, tending to my 5 rescued cats and my German shepherd dog who found most of the cats (she really did - she's the dog who rescues cats), and singing with the choir at St. Theresa Catholic Church. I welcome followers on the blogs and connections from readers through the links on my blogs.
I am married to my high school sweetheart and together we have three children we are raising and another three tiny saints in heaven. I homeschool my children and try hard to make everything work in a very small house. My father always wanted me to be a journalist, but I wanted to be a poet and storybook writer. Blogging is a happy medium between the two, writing articles daily like a journalist but with the pay scale of a poet. I started blogging at the urging of my friend, Jessica at Shower of Roses blog, and as an outlet for my creative juices, but most importantly because after completing a Lenten small group study on the New Evangelization, I felt called to find a way to evangelize through modern technology. I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, aunt, cousin, and companion to many and I wouldn't have it any other way, even if I am really an introvert.
My blog is called Veils and Vocations because we are all called to the veils of modesty, chastity, and piety; and our vocation is our true reason for being. I hope that through my blog, I may not only develop my vocations and walk with God but also encourage others to do the same and help them to teach their children how to seek and find their true vocations. I am a sinner who must keep confessing and trying again, but I truly want to be a saint!
Kate Thompson Eschbach

Photographer, Blogger, Mom, Wife And Friend
Kate writes a lifestyle legacy blog named http://songskatesang.com Songs Kate Sang and is a http://songskatesang.com/photography/ She enjoys handwritten correspondence, and may break out into musical numbers at any time. She and her husband Brian have been married since 1999. They have two biological children - Julia, 14 and Nate, 11 - and they are in the process of adopting an adorable three year old, named Riley. She is a Texas girl and has lived in Arizona for 5 wonderful (and hot!) years. She is passionate about encouraging and serving others!
Laura Pearl:
I was born in NJ, grew up in Upstate NY, and studied at the College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, MA, where I earned a BA in English. After happily spending my entire adult life as a stay-at-home mother (a privilege for which I'll always be so grateful), I became a published author in 2012 when my Catholic novel Finding Grace was released by Bezalel Books. (It is available on Amazon in both paperback and Kindle formats.)
I have been inordinately blessed in my life--with good health, a long and happy marriage to my high school sweetheart, five fantastic sons, and now three beautiful granddaughters (so far!). The fact that I have fulfilled a lifelong dream and written and published a book (Pinch me! Am I dreaming?) is just the most amazing gift, the icing on the cake.
Finding Grace has received the Catholic Writers Guild Seal of Approval, and it was a finalist for a 2013 CWG Arts & Letters Award (CALA). It was written with impressionable teen/young adult readers in mind—but it is certainly not too juvenile for adult readers. In fact, it has been added to a group of Bezalel titles categorized as “Women’s Inspirational Christian Fiction.” (And guys it’s not just “chick lit”—male readers have enjoyed it, too!) My greatest hope is that even just one young reader will be inspired by this book to stay on the right path and fight the good fight...and that when all is said and done, there will be even just one new saint in Heaven.
I have been a blogger since 2011. I blog about my family, my faith, art, books—all sorts of things, really. Stop by and visit me at String of Pearls.
I am a follower of Jesus, deeply devoted Catholic, a Franciscan University Alumni, and a member of the Brother's and Sister's of Charity. I have been married to a wonderful man for 20 years, ave 5 beautiful daughters and 1 son whom I also homeschool. When I was 19 years old I learned that we can have a two-way relationship with the Lord. We can speak to him as a friend and we can hear him speak to us and this does not make us crazy. Since then, I live to hear him speak and it has become my passion to help other's hear and discern his voice. This blog is mainly devoted to prophetic insight I believe the Lord has given me to share. To follow me through
Facebook go here: https://www.facebook.com/BeautifulThorns
Lisa Caporuscio

I am a Catholic wife, married to my husband for 15 years and mother of three daughters ages 14, 12 and 5.
I decided to start The Sincere Gift, where I'm known as Mrs. C., as a way to share what I've learned along the way as a wife and mother and, hopefully, to learn from other women as well. I named my blog The Sincere Gift based on Saint Pope John Paul II's writings on the dignity of women where he states...a person cannot find complete fulfillment except by making a sincere gift of self.
I write about many topics on my blog from following the liturgical year with your family and what the Church has to say about marriage to really ordinary things like cleaning house and my latest flea market finds. I believe our reach as wives and mothers, while seeming to only touch the ordinary and the small, has vast implications for society. Therefore, every aspect that concerns this vocation is important to learn more about and to share with others.
Lora Goulet

community volunteer. She enjoys multi cultural
liturgical music and Catholic art. A revert to
the faith, Lora blogs about the beauty of Catholicism's teachings and faith traditions in rural family life.
New Things: See! I'm doing something new! Isiah 43:1

Thank you Melanie for the invitation and warm welcome to the ACB. I am blessed to be here, and pray that God will use my experiences and thought ramblings to bless others.
I’m Lyn, aka Honey, Momma, Sis, Auntie or Grammy, depending on who’s calling me. I married Kevin in 1988. We have four great kids, and the five most beautiful, smart, and perfect grandchildren in the world. Of course, I’m biased, but it’s still the truth

...read more at http://newthingspringingforth.wordpress.com/about-new-things/

I'm fairly new to the Catholic blogging world, and I love it! Although I've been a blogger for 8 years, I've never written a Catholic blog before.
My other blog is called, "For the Love of Beads."
In the secular part of my life, I make lampwork glass beads, polymer clay beads, fiber beads, metal beads, I crochet and make jewelry. I have been a contributor to many nationally known beading magazines.
This Catholic blog, His Unending Love, came about because the Holy Spirit would not leave me alone! He pestered me until I began to take His dictation. I have dedicated my blog to Him, and when I write, and there is peace, I know the inspiration and dictation comes from Him.
Well, that's my story, and I'm sticking to it! Hope to see you soon at His Unending Love.

Marianne Baker Ball
I discovered I loved to write when I won runner–up in a poem contest in 7th grade. (My prize was a six-pack of 7-Up.) I’m a Writer’s Digest School graduate and a Barry University graduate. (I didn’t get any six-packs for those efforts, but I’m OK with that.)
I was a full-time mom for twelve years, raising three children. I then worked as a writer/educator for a non-profit organization for twelve years and received recognition from former Florida Congressman Dave Weldon for my work with teens.
I’m an upcycler, couponer, thrift store fan, and part time caretaker for my folks (95 and 92.) I’ve written an e-book book called The 12 Days of Christmas Adventure about a Christmas project for families, due out July 2015.
I have an ecumenical spirit, but have always called the Catholic Church my spiritual home because it upholds eternal truths when the world is chasing every cultural whim.
By God’s grace, I live and try to serve
Stay in touch with the adventures in my life at ADVENTURES IN THE BALLPARK
Marilyn Joan Pientka,
Marilyn Joan Pientka, aka Mimi or Auntie M started her blog when she was going through cancer three years ago, which is about the time she became a Catholic. She is down to earth and has a humorous side in sharing information on her blog (www.thoughtfulreflection.com), which includes titles such as “My Cancer Story”, “Spiritual Encouragement”, “Why I became a Catholic”. Her Facebook page called “The Catholic Way” shares spiritual encouragement and information about misconceptions many Protestants have about the Catholic Church with the mission of unity and understanding.
It is my prayer that all I say and do will honor our Lord Jesus Christ.
The thought of starting a blog dedicated to being Catholic popped into my head in the middle of Mass one Saturday evening. During the Homily, anyway. Not that it was a bad or boring homily, in fact, it was one of the best I’ve heard that particular priest give. My initial reaction was, “I’ve already got 3 blogs; surely I’m not supposed to start another one!” Since it came to me during Mass, it couldn’t be the devil trying to make me stay on the computer longer than I already am; could it?
I decided to try this Catholic Blog and see what happens. My original plan was to shoot for posting once a week to discuss what touched me during the Sunday Homily. I’m not a perfect Catholic by any means. I have an extremely long way to go to be anywhere near the Catholic my sweet mother was. I’d love for anyone who reads my blog (Catholic or not) to leave a comment with what touched them during the Homily/Sermon they heard.
The Not-So-Perfect Catholic is beginning to evolve into more than just Homilies. It's about living the faith in the everyday life of a Southern Cradle Catholic who is also a wife, mother to 3 grown boys, full time Speech Language Pathologist in the public schools, and flutist during Mass. I'm no theologian, just a woman trying to work through my salvation!
Mary Kathleen Glavich, SND

I’m a Sister of Notre Dame from Cleveland, Ohio, who's taught every grade from first to twelfth. Now I write books (70+) and give talks and retreats. Four years ago I was invited to speak to catechists in Abu Dhabi. In my talks on Mary I encourage saying yes to God. So I’ve been to conferences in Arabia three times. This year I spoke to 200 catechists in Oman and 800 in Dubai. Their faith helps them cope with the hardships of expat workers. Each night churches are packed for Mass. Abu Dhabi's cathedral has over 100,000 parishioners. On Christmas there are 24 Masses!
I also said yes to the inspiration to write a novel. My “historical romance,” The Fisherman’s Wife: The Gospel According to St. Peter’s Spouse, tells the story of the woman married to the impulsive fisherman who leaves her to follow a controversial preacher. Because, as the Gospel says, Jesus stayed at Peter’s house, Peter’s wife witnesses his miracles and hears him teach. One woman who liked this book put up this website: www.Facebook.com/St.PetersSpouse
My most popular book is The Catholic’s Companion to Mary. It's based on scripture and discoveries of archaeologists and historians. Readers especially like the tidbits in the margins. For example, did you know that the original name of the Mississippi River was River of the Immaculate Conception?
Ten years ago I asked my community if I could write full-time, I ended up a DRE at St. Dominic Parish. Later when I was free to write full-time, I couldn’t bear to leave the parish. So today I’m an honorary staff member and do what I can, such as putting up the church bulletin boards and leading Stations on Good Friday
Now I am a blogger too at Catholic Faith Corner. This is another avenue to bring Christ into the world…as Mary did.
Mary Nicewarner
Hi everyone! My name is Mary Nicewarner. I am happily married and the mother of one beautiful "miracle" daughter - a huge blessing to us after struggling for nine years with infertility. I love my Catholic faith and share my thoughts and reflections on my blog, The Beautiful Gate. I hope you
will stop by for a visit!
God is good!
Maryann D'Amico.
My name is Maryann D'Amico. I am so excited about what the Association of Catholic Women Bloggers is doing. I've been so excited since meeting other Catholic Bloggers because it has given me hope,happiness and light.
During the Mass that was for Pope John Paul II's beatification,I prayed for his intercession for all those in the arts,to be the light and bring the light of Christ. Prior to his death,I received a Letter he wrote to Artist's in 1999. It happened during the presence of the body of St. Therese in the Carmelite Monastery in Philadelphia.
I prayed for three days in the Monastery to find God's Will for my life. In prayer,I was told to go to the bookstore in the Monastery basement and look on the top shelf left corner. There was a copy of ," A Letter to Artists." From Pope John Paul II. There was only one copy.
I was not an artist. I became one five years later. I did write to Pope John Paul II and received The Apostolic Blessing from him.
continue reading ....
Mithril Una
Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures for ever.”
The Lord has indeed been good to me. His steadfast love sustains me everyday. Within the pages of my blog, A Joyful Life, I hope to express the day to day experiences of my life through the eyes of faith.
I am a wife and a mom of nine children. I have been happily married to my wonderful husband for 28 years. My children are between the ages of 27 and 10. I work part-time for a non-profit organization but I prefer to be home.
Recently, I have discovered that I have a gift in photography and am enjoying learning with my first DSLR camera. I love depicting God's gift of nature through the eyes of my lens.
I am forever grateful for the loving mercy of God that I have received through the passion, death, and Resurrection of His Son.
I am grateful for the blessings of God that each day
Monica McConkey
Monica, mom of 5, is usually blogging about Catholic crafts and family traditions at EquippingCatholicfamilies.com. She is the author of A Treasure Chest of Traditions for Catholic Families,Hand in Hand with Jesus (a Faith Journal through the Sacraments) and a series of paper Cathletics Craft KitsTM and CathleticsTM quizzing cards to help teach the Catholic Faith. The Catholic teaching tools and gifts are available through Arma Dei, the Catholic family publishing company founded with her husband Bill. Monica is also one of the founders of the Catholic Bloggers Network, a venue to link and promote Catholic blogs.
Nancy Shuman

I began blogging in 2011, primarily to share my discoveries of what it means to live in the world as a "Cloistered Heart". I beganThe Breadbox Letters at the same time, mainly so I could also capture "other thoughts."
I have written for Catholic magazines, including Review for Religious, Reflections (a magazine of Catholic Guild for the Blind), the now-long-out-of-print New Covenant, Ultreya, and Salesian Light. My book The Cloistered Heart was reviewed in Laywitness Magazine in 1999, and its most recent edition is available (among other places) through Amazon and Barnes and Noble.
I have been certified in Spiritual Direction by the Cenacle of Our Lady of Divine Providence in affiliation with Franciscan University of Steubenville (yes, I know that's a mouthful). I've given talks and witnesses on The Cloistered Heart to groups in the United States and Australia, and I am utterly nuts about my wonderful family, who prefer (for the most part) to remain behind the scenes. I am "GaGa" to and about my darling, talented, beautiful, exceptional, brilliant little grandchildren, about whom I am not biased at all.
I am deeply honored to be part of the wonderful team here at the Association of Catholic Women Bloggers. Yay Team!
Pam Spano
Since I'm new to the Association of Catholic Women Bloggers, I thought I would introduce myself.
I started blogging at ChicagoNow three years ago. This was my very first post: Yes I'm Catholic ... Really
I hope you'll stop by and take the time to read that and some of my other posts. You can also find me on Facebook and Twitter.
Come join the conversation and the fun!
Ruth Ann (Keller) Pilney.
I am a native of Chicago, Illinois, where I was born and raised. My heart lives in Chicago! Currently I live in California with my husband Jim, who retired two weeks ago, from his work in manufacturing of pharmaceuticals. The two of us will have been married 33 years in June. Our daughter, Catherine is married to Andrés (Andy).
In 2008 I retired. Now I enjoy the freedom that retirement brings. Among other things, it gives me time to write, read and study. Writing is something I like to do, and I do it often.I don’t write professionally, and never have. Instead, I write letters, emails, and journals---and essays for my blog.I ventured into blogging about six months after retiring. My posts reflect my Catholic worldview.
Through daily prayer, spiritual reading, participation in daily Eucharist, and frequenting the other sacraments, I practice the Faith and deepen my relationship with God. Also, I am a professed Lay Carmelite and am zealous for the Carmelite traditions of prayer, community, and service.
With my blog I share my interests and worldview
with others.
Sheri Dursin

My name is Sheri Dursin and I’m a writer, speaker, wife, and mother of twin boys. Since 2007, I have been presenting retreat program to parishes and groups across the State of Connecticut—a ministry that inspired me to start my own blog,Hearing God’s Whisper (www.hearinggodswhisper.com).
My blog focuses on providing a safe, sacred space for my readers to come away and listen for the still, small voice of God. Kind of like a mini-retreat! I also love to write about finding Jesus in the ordinary moments of everyday life. An active member of St. John Fisher Parish in Marlborough, CT, I currently serve as the Pastoral Assistant and lead the Women’s Faith Group. I am a graduate of Holy Cross College in Worcester, Massachusetts, and since I was a teenager, I have served in various Catholic ministries, including religious education and music ministry.

I am a single mom of five amazing, wonderful,
adorable,active,loud,smelly(sometimes,really smelly!), fun boys. There are just not enough adjectives to describe our kids are there?
Being a single mom was about the last thing I ever thought I would be. I absolutely loved my husband, and, it may sound crazy, but I thought he was my best friend...right up until the day he told me he was leaving.We renewed our vows on Valentine's Day 2009. He told me he was leaving on Mother's Day 2009.Literally one week later, he moved out and never looked back. It was a day I will remember forever with a degree of nausea that cannot be put into words.
I was also five months pregnant with our 5th little boy (surprise!) at the time. My husband texted me when the baby was three days old to let me know he had filed for a divorce.I literally shook for months - and months.
Over the next few years, my boys and I would lose our home (and have a hard time finding housing for a single, stay at home mom of five boys), endure battles with a man who was now a stranger to me in a court system that still favors the monied spouse and the petitioner over the defendant, need to file for an Order of Protection, and turn to our local churches and charities for food, heat, Christmas presents, and more.
I hope you join me at Single Mom Smiling for the rest of my introduction and for the shortened version of why I speak about my faith. Faith and life…each is an ongoing process - of learning, praying, forgiving, falling down, and getting back up again.
Tacy Williams Beck
Tacy Williams Beck is a wife and mother living in Chattanooga, Tennessee. She is a recent convert to the Catholic Church (Easter 2011), In addition to reading, sewing, and baking, and she and her husband Stephen love learning more about their Catholic faith every day. They have 3 girls, aged 6, 4, and 2, and one boy age 1.
Tacy also writes about their journey as parents and converts; she writes at tacywilliamsbeck.com and realhousekeeping.com. Thank you for reading!
Tara Baker
My name is Tara, and I run a blog called Catholic Girl Problems.
Contrary to the blog’s title, I’m really quite blessed. I enjoy horseback riding, playing piano, spooning with my pup, cooking, gardening, and horror movies. Writing has always been my passion, and sometimes, I even get paid for it! When I’m not typing away, you can catch me with my nose in a book.
My faith is essential, and my discovery of it is the contents of this blog. I’m proud to call myself a “cradle Catholic.” Dig beneath the media slander, and there is an amazing religion founded by Christ Himself. It is rich in its heritage, and unbending in its defense of morality and virtue in a world all-too consumed by evil. The more I learn from my Catholic faith, the more I want to know, yet I fear I will never have all the answers.
Suffice it to say I'm intrigued by all things Divine, so I study theology for funsies. My head is quite literally in the clouds, but if you ask me, that's where it's supposed to be. When the finite things of this world come to pass, what happens? Will I be ready when it does? What else is out there?
About a year ago, I was discerning a religious vocation. The process was long and arduous, consumed by prayer and meditation and a lot of visits to convents. At the end, I decided being a nun wasn’t for me. My calling was to be a wife and mother, among many other things. But the process of discernment changed me, and for the better. My eyes transformed, and I see the world so differently now.
I guess I started this blog to try and make sense of it all.
So in summary: I'm a former, wannabe nun now looking for love and virtue while trying to find her place in a world she often feels a stranger in. Confused?
Victor S E Moubarak

Victor is an occasional contributor to this Blog and a frequent reader too. He is well recognised in his town by the blue cowboy hat with orange feather which he always wears and colorful shirts with red tartan trousers.
He also wears different colored socks - red and blue, or yellow and orange, green and mauve - to remind him which one is the left and right foot.
He started a campaign that socks should be sold in threes rather than in pairs, to make it easier to get a matching pair when you pull them out of the drawer.
He speaks French fluently and once ordered a whole meal in a restaurant in French to impress his guests. it was an Italian restaurant.
Whilst in Paris years ago he had lunch at one of those out-door open-air restaurants where they put the tables on the sidewalk so that you may enjoy the view. As soon as he was served his meal it started to rain ... not much rain, just a light constant drizzle. It took him ages to finish the soup!
A very cautious man who always looks left and right and left again before crossing his legs. Not superstitious as such but always reads his horrorscopes to find out what he is missing in life. The other day his horrorscope said that he'll feel very tired and run down ... but they'll soon catch the motorist who ran him down.
Victor has written a number of books very slowly because a number of his readers cannot read fast.
You can download his books FREE from HERE; and visit Victor's Blog HERE.
I am thrilled to be able to introduce myself and blog to you and to become a part of such a treasury in the catholic blogger world. I was raised catholic by my mother who above all else taught me to love Our Lady and the Eucharist. She prayed the rosary with me faithfully from an early age and often took me for "visits" to Jesus in the tabernacle. My father was protestant, so I was also exposed to many protestant groups and encountered several humble, christian people who molded my faith journey and gave me a deep love for beautiful worship through music, dance, and even art.
I met my husband, a Baptist at the time, at a Baptist university where I was attending music school. He was studying to become a Baptist minister. Though I was not fully prepared to defend my faith well, he was intrigued enough to study further, and study, he did. He consumed every book he could get his hands on about the Catholic Faith. He finally came into the Church right before he proposed to me at Easter Vigil of 1997. (Please look here if you are interested in reading his conversion story).
My husband and I both want to foster an atmosphere in our home that flourishes in Truth, Beauty, and Goodness, all as relates to God and the Catholic Faith and to share that with others. This is what my blog is about.
In the past 10 years of my life there have been 2 significant influences. I have been introduced to and inundated with the beautiful life of homeschooling. The Lord has blessed me with an amazing community of catholic homeschooling families that have shaped our own family life for the better. I also sort of "stumbled upon" a formation program called Disciples of Jesus and Mary, written by our beloved, deceased Fr. Santan Pinto for all laity and religious.
Virginia at Truth, Beauty, and Goodness in the Works...
Yolanda Bello
The first thing that comes to mind is that I’m a FiRD…
Those who may have read the phenomenal book by Bach Othello. Little Fird goes in search of other firds, but at the end of the book he was terrible discouraged have found no other firds. And at that moment someone that looked like himself popped up from behind a bush shushing him to be quiet and hide.
Well, it turned out that that little fird was nothing like himself, so as the story ended, he was not like the ones who raised him, nor like the ones he had found to look like himself.
That’s me.
I was born in Venezuela, came to US when I was 14 yr old, and remained in Chicago for 36 yrs, where I got married and had 2 sons. I was also born an artist, but I tried my best to not dwell in that, and went to College to pursue Psychology being so voraciously intrigued by the mind of humans; Sociology needing to know what the effect man has in civilization; Criminology to understand what makes the mind derail….. but my nature just would not buckle down.
Throughout the entire time in college I suffered from horrific migraines. One night, the headache was so fierce that my head would bounce on the pillow with each thunderous
pang. I got up about 2 am unable to sleep, and found a can of spackle and with it drew a giant Don Quijote on the wall….. in about 20 min.
My headache was gone.
So an artist I am.
In 1980, I was asked by a friend who made porcelain dolls to sculpt her 2 newly adopted grandchildren from the Dominican Republic. Those were my first 2 dolls of 600 more to come. I started Bello Creations and there I spoke of my voracious intrigue on human psyche thru countless dolls, and in 1985, I signed with the Ashton Drake Galleries and they became the largest doll company in the world.
My contract ended in 2003, ending a most phenomenal venture anyone could ever want to have. Since then, I have not done dolls, but mostly prolife work, and interpreter for Hispanics who don’t have a voice in court, or during arrests or in medical situations. Since there is no one to teach them NFP, I also got into that…..
And now, I finally have a little more time to let out of my head all the many stories, characters, impressions, but mostly the anguish it has cause that God is no longer welcomed by most of His Creation. So, for this blog, I focus on how the world is when He is not acknowledged.
Thank you Melanie for preparing this page so quickly. You're brilliant.
ReplyDeleteGod bless.
now i just have to edit and polish it up but thanks victor for your constant, prayerful support
DeleteI am a happily married mother of nine and grandmother of nineteen soon to be twenty one and counting. There's something about being as opposed to not being. To be is the thing otherwise.... I am Catholic, love my Church and my Faith and have a blog .
I am a happily married mother of nine and grandmother of nineteen soon to be twenty one and counting. There's something about being as opposed to not being. To be is the thing otherwise.... I am Catholic, love my Church and my Faith and have a blog .