But Mary Is My REAL Mum

Some religious people would maintain that only an active Christian can act lovingly. Yet Pope Francis and even Sacred Scriptures disagree with this narrow view. St. Paul explains that God will judge everyone by much how truth God has revealed to them. If a tribe hidden in a jungle has never heard the gospel, God will judge them based on what they know and St. Paul assures us that all men have the basic laws of God carved into their hearts. In modern language, we all have an awareness of good and evil or a conscience.
God has inscribed a moral code on my heart. It is hidden in my deepest self. Actually, if as an adult, I can block out my own ego and simply stop to listen, I can live a holy life. In fact Christ offers an easy way to sanctity, to loving God and each other. A spirituality that a child understands. A spirituality that St.Thérèse of Liseux understood. Relax. Give up striving. Surrender to His love and let it saturate every cell of your body. Then simply let His love flow through you. It ends up being a long journey to embrace such a carefree lifestyle because pride gets in the way. It is so simple that it seems complicated to our adult, logical minds.
God has inscribed a moral code on my heart. It is hidden in my deepest self. Actually, if as an adult, I can block out my own ego and simply stop to listen, I can live a holy life. In fact Christ offers an easy way to sanctity, to loving God and each other. A spirituality that a child understands. A spirituality that St.Thérèse of Liseux understood. Relax. Give up striving. Surrender to His love and let it saturate every cell of your body. Then simply let His love flow through you. It ends up being a long journey to embrace such a carefree lifestyle because pride gets in the way. It is so simple that it seems complicated to our adult, logical minds.
No wonder Jesus says,
“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Matthew 19:14
And in even stronger terms,
“I assure you,” He said, ‘unless you are converted and become like children, , you will never get into the kingdom from heaven…’” Matthew 18:4
A relationship to the living God is child’s play. Listen to this exchange between my young children:
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