Time to Pray

There is always time to pray...
as I rock my babies to sleep at night,
and just before I go to sleep,
when I first wake up in the morning,
before meals,
while washing the dishes, 
folding the laundry,
weeding the garden,
checking the oil in the car,
waiting for the bus,
in the middle of a traffic jam,
 waiting in a long line at the supermarket,
or downloading a computer program,
when on hold  during a phone call,
and waiting for some news,
as a crisis suddenly evolves,
in the waiting room of the hospital,
sitting beside a bedridden loved one,
quietly holding their hand,
and sometimes, in the middle of the night, 
when awakened for some unknown reason...
maybe our Lord is telling me 
that someone unknown to me needs prayer.
En Los Corazones de Jesús y María @ Camino La Mancha


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