Dear Santa, all I want for Christmas is for my hot flashes to stop

This is a bit off topic, but please bear with me.

Dear Santa, all I want for Christmas is for the hot flashes to stop.  Seriously.  I know I'm big on jewelrybooks and more jewelry, but if you can stop the hot flashes, I will be nice FOREVER!
"I don't have hot flashes.  I have short vacations in the tropics."
I'm not kidding.  I've had hot flashes since 2001 and there is no indication that they will ever stop.  Sometimes I think they've gotten worse if that's even possible.

While you're praying for me, you can read the rest here.

Dear Santa, all I want for Christmas is for the hot flashes to stop


  1. I'm sorry to hear you've been suffering with this for so many years.
    I pray you do receive the relief you long for--


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