Part 1: The Creed and Chapter 1: Laying a Firm Foundation {Lawn Chair Catechism}

We’re introduced to the four pillars of the Catechism of the Catholic Church this week through Paprocki’s H.E.L.P. acronymn:
  • H = We Hold on to our faith that is revealed to us through Scripture and Tradition and is summarized in the Creed.
  • E = We Express our faith in the liturgy and sacraments of the Church.
  • L = We Live our faith according to Catholic morality.
  • P = We Pray our faith by maintaining a healthy prayer life.
As we begin Part 1, we’ll be looking at the Creed, the “H” for “Hold” above. At the end of Chapter 1, Paprocki writes,
“What difference does it make for Catholics to believe that “Christians are made, not born”? It means that we are called to be receptive. Faith is something that we receive. It does not belong to us but is passed on to us like a family heirloom that we treasure, protect, and pass on faithfully.”
My Reflection:  Self righteous indignation is an attitude of us and them, as if Catholics are intrinsically superior to those of other faiths. Unfortunately this smug attitude is all too prevalent, often lurking beneath our conscious minds but it influences how we relate to unbelievers and those of other faiths. read more>


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