Baby Catholic Answers All the Things, Volume 1 - Hail Mary

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There are three reasons I decided to start this blog series by addressing the common misconception that Catholics worship Mary. One is that a friend of mine actually did express some interest in having this cleared up in a previous blog post comment. Another is that I think that this might be one of the biggest objections that non-Catholics have to Catholicism, so I thought it would be good to address upfront. The third is that, to me, it's one of the easiest misunderstandings to set straight.
As a child, I didn't think about Catholicism much (my only point of reference for the phrase "Hail Mary" was a last-second desperation throw to try to win a football game), but when I did, I vaguely thought that Catholics worshipped Mary. The fact is that I didn't know the first thing about Catholicism in reality. My belief about Mary was simply a parroting of something I heard an adult say.        Read more HERE.


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