How Parents Approach Mass With Little Ones Can Begin to Plant the Seeds of Faith
- All pictures in this post are from the book Little Acts of Grace by Rosemarie Gortler and Donna Piscitelli. Illustrations are drawn by Mimi Sternhagen. I highly recommend this book for Catholic parents who want to teach their children about many aspects of the faith and their meaning.
Let's face it, it's not always easy to attend Mass with children. Sometimes you leave feeling more like you were engaged in battle than having spent an hour in the highest form of prayer in which we Catholics can participate. In a way, you are engaged in the battle for your child's soul. When we go to Mass, we are asked to leave the world behind for awhile and focus on the spiritual. Even children can begin to sense these eternal truths long before they can fully understand them. As parents and the first educators of our children, we are called to teach them the Catholic faith. How do we go about this with unreasonable toddlers, unruly preschoolers, and bored elementary students? How do we teach them that the Mass is sacred and we are there to hear the Word of God and receive Jesus in the Eucharist?
Read more at The Sincere Gift
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