I'd Like To Introduce Myself....

As a happy new member of ACWB, I wanted to introduce myself and my blog The Sincere Gift where I go by the name of Mrs. C.

I am a Catholic wife, married to my husband for 15 years and mother of three daughters ages 14, 12 and 5.  I am a cradle Catholic who at one point in my late teens wanted to leave the Church.  I made a deal with myself to study up on the Catholic faith and read books by others like Scott Hahn who actually wanted to join the Church that I was thinking of leaving . I wanted to find out what they thought was so great about it.  In doing so, I fell in love with our faith and have never considered leaving again.  

I decided to start The Sincere Gift as a way to share what I've learned along the way in this vocation as a wife and mother and, hopefully, to learn from other women as well. I named my blog The Sincere Gift based on Saint Pope John Paul II's writings on the dignity of women.  

In a Lenten message to the Brazilian Church in 1990, he writes.....a person cannot find complete fulfillment except by making a sincere gift of self.

I think that as Catholic/Christian women we are called to collectively embrace femininity and offer a sincere gift of ourselves as expressed through our marriages, our motherhood (both physical and spiritual), the work of our hands, the use of our voices, the pondering in our hearts, and our willingness to learn and grow throughout our lives.  Because “women occupy a place in thought and action which is unique and decisive”we need to be willing to share this gift with our families and the world at large.

I write about all kinds of topics on my blog from following the liturgical year with your family and what the Church has to say about marriage to really ordinary things like cleaning house and my latest flea market finds. I believe our reach as wives and mothers, while seeming to only touch the ordinary and the small, has vast implications for society.  Therefore, every aspect that concerns this vocation is important to learn more about and to share with others. 

I am looking forward to reading the writings of the other members of ACWB as I know I can learn a lot from other Catholic bloggers as well.
If you like, you can visit The Sincere Gift here.


  1. How nice to meet you! I look forward to visiting your blog on a regular basis. I already came over, and am leaving my comment here.

    I was especially struck by the next-to-most-recent post on your blog, with those wonderful old magazine ads. They were great! Oh, and that one that advised wives how to get husbands to buy them what they wanted: "if he does not go to the store immediately, cry a little." And to make things worse, the ad was for things like kitchen appliances! Oh my!!!! The "good old days" weren't TOTALLY good... :)!

    1. Thank you Nancy! Those ads are a hoot, aren't they? I thought they were good for adding some humor to my post but I would never advise wives to manipulate through tears.LOL!

      I look forward to checking out your site as well.

  2. welcome..you are a wonderful addition

  3. Happy to meet you, and thanks Melanie, for introducing us.

  4. Welcome to this Blog. We look forward to your many posts and comments.

    I've already learnt something new from what you write. Your town has a market where they sell fleas! The other day I went to the baker's and asked him for a wasp. He said: We don't sell wasps! I replied: You have one in your shop window.

    God bless.

  5. Thank you Melanie and oncealittlegirl.

    Victor, you make me laugh. I looked around your blog a little as time permitted today and enjoyed it.

    Mrs. C.


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