Lessons from Snow: A Mixed Blessing

Now that Boston is buried under more than 100 inches of snow and my Cleveland driveway is coated with it yet again, I decided to reflect on snow. A good snowfall is one human experience that Jesus never had since he lived in a desert climate. The most he probably ever knew of snow was seeing snow-capped Mount Hermon in the distance. But yesterday ten inches of snow fell in Jerusalem—a rarity! To me the most remarkable thing about snow is its beauty. Individual flakes are delicate works of art. Together they form blankets of pure white, covering everything and sparkling in sunshine.  Snow's loveliness is a reflection of its Creator who is all beautiful. The three men thrown into a fiery furnace for their faith sang, "Hoarfrost and snow, bless the Lord; praise and exalt him above all forever" (Daniel 3:70). Also, there's nothing so cozy as being in a warm house and, through a window painted with lacy ice, watching large, soft snowflakes drift to earth.Click to continue


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