The Amazing Life of Bella V. Dodd

Bell V. Dodd’s autobiography so colourful and so vivid, that reading it, skepticism tugged at the peripheries of my consciousness. The book is a journey into a world of intrigue, conspiracy, and frenzied activity for a cause.
Dodd (1904-1969) spent her youth and young adulthood as a Communist. She worked tirelessly for a cause she believed would lead American society to become better and fairer. This book follows her experiences throughout the uncertain times of the 1920s, 30s and 40s. It encapsulates the time American relations to the USSR were dramatically fluctuating from one extreme to another. In America, children of the Great Depression were reaching adulthood and campaigning for a better world through destruction of traditional institutions and the rise of the Dictatorship of the Proletariat.


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