Anna's Story

A Daisy
Anna's Story
Marriage breakups strike even those who are faithful, those with big families, and those who love the Lord. The trauma of a broken marriage is made even more heartbreaking when a new baby is involved. 
Anna is a single mom of five young children who contacted me via my website, Single Mom Smiling. She is hopeful that her husband will rediscover his faith and return to his family. Please join me in reading Anna's story and in praying for her family, for a return to faith in today's self-centered world, and for a healing of wounds only our Savior Jesus Christ can truly understand and heal.
Anna is one of many brave, faithful women praying for the healing of their marriages. Take no moment for granted, treasure your family, and please read, pray for, and share Anna's story:
My husband has been going downhill gradually for the past 3 years. I first noticed it when I was pregnant with our fourth child in 2012. 
To continue reading, please join me at SingleMomSmiling.

God Bless...


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