Dig into the Bible (and Maybe Strike It Rich)
This week I came across a book that was a collection of little known
facts in the Bible. It reminded me of the time I heard that God shut the
door of Noah's ark after all were boarded. Really? I had to look it up
and, sure enough, there it was. (See Genesis 7:16.) At this morning's
Mass we heard the story of Jacob wrestling with God, and again, a detail
I didn't realize before stood out. When Jacob politely asked God's
name, the only response he received was "Why is it it that you ask my
name?" Now why did God tell his name to Moses but not to Jacob, I
wonder. If you're like me, sometimes when Scripture is proclaimed at
Mass I think, "I know that story," and I tune out. Instead of listening
attentively for God's message, maybe I plan my next writing project or
decide what to have for dinner. This is not smart, for our memories have
holes in them, and besides, no matter how often we read or hear God's
word, there is always some fresh insight. Click to continue
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