Your Work and Vocation (as you blog)

Michele, over at My Domestic Monastery, had a really nice post the other day, I'm Wasting My Life (and So Should You), about the purpose for motherhood, and the transition of going from a working Mom to a stay-at-home, writingMom.  She wrote about working and then choosing to stay home, as well as the link between the monastic vocation and the vocation of motherhood... and plus, why it matters.
It really resonated with me. 

oh, ya know... just wasting my life... on this preciousness. 
just two of the sweetest little munchkins ever.... nothing special. ;)

I did the whole working wife/working Mom thing for about 3 1/2 years. I was a (Pre-School, Classical School Co-op/Dance) teacher and a nanny in Maryland, helping put my hubby through grad school and helping to pay the bills. I then transitioned to stay-at-home Mom turned Homeschooling mom, which was its own vocation, surely. ;) Now that I am a writer and mostly a stay-at-home Mom, I've had to rethink my vocation a bit.  In fact, I had a long phone conversation with my sweet and dear friend Rhonda last week, and we talked about our reasons for blogging, along with a laundry list of other things... like writing, creativity, and yes, how to make money doing this and other side projects.

read the rest at {picture a skyline}


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