A Picasso Dog, Knots and Regrets


I took a class, a free online class, that was open to children and the “young at heart.” Ok, I’m young at heart, right? The class was actually quite fun. There were 6 projects in the class. Each project taught a different technique. From the overall postings of projects in the class, the “Picasso Dog,” was the most popular. Using “cubist” techniques, each person drew a dog. The dog you see is the dog I drew. I used an app on my Ipad, and drew the dog. Poor dog. If you saw a dog that looked like this on the road or at the vet, you’d think that there’s something really wrong with that animal. It looks like it was tied in knots. (I wish I had thought of this earlier.)  That would make a more interesting picture. Knots? Next dog. Next time.

Read more at:  Prayerfully Yours


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