I came to Ask for Your Prayers Today...

Not for me, but for a young woman I met today at Michael’s. I saw her and she was buying glass bottles. Out of curiosity, I asked her why she was buying so many glass bottles. She asked me if I had ever heard of “Blue Water.” No, I hadn’t. Well, to shorten this story a bit, blue water is water that you “brew” in the sun. The water has to be in a blue bottle. Like sun brewed tea, blue water is, she said, healthy for you. She said that she drinks a lot each day. We chatted for a few minutes, and she told me that she was a music journalist. She gave me her card. I have discarded the card. The conversation continued. She said, “I have something to tell you.” She motioned for me to walk with her to a corner. She said, “I used to be very depressed, since I was a child, but I went to a shaman, a powerful shaman, and I found out that I had a spirit attached to me since I was born.” 

Read More at::  Prayerfully Yours


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