What Story DO You Hope to Tell?
These stories are sometimes referred to a re-conversion or reversions, and while I am awed and fascinated by conversion stories be it former atheist, agnostic or baptist minister, I am most drawn to how faithful people are set on fire for the faith or even how those cradle Catholics keep from drifting away. This is my story. A small town suburban girl with divorced parents, low self-esteem, and moderate means - that attended 9 years of Catechism, went to Mass for most of the school year while in what we called CCD, and then usually just Christmas and Easter after that - and I have no recollection of ever being in Mass with my Father. There were no bibles in my home until 8th grade catechism class when I received this red covered nearly see-through paper thin paged New American Bible as part of Confirmation prep. Praying as a family took place only during really scary thunderstorms and occasionally before bed. God was scary, death was petrifying and Hell was real - until I hit my teen years, then I was convinced differently .... READ MORE!
All Rights Reserved 2015, Allison Gingras
Cover Photo: Pixabay PD
Yes, I'm one of those who grew up Catholic, had a fling with atheism, and ultimately returned to the faith. There's quite a few of us.