What Story DO You Hope to Tell?

As I peruse the book titles in the Catholic aisle of my local bookstore, it is hard not to notice the plethora of conversion stories being told.  What I do not see a lot of accounts from the person who grew up Catholic and drifted in and out (mostly out) of practicing their faith until something changed in them or for them.  They had a turn around a GREAT awakening in their soul as to who the Triune God really was - not distant, not mean but loving, truly loving, merciful, trustworthy and faithful - just to name a few of the infinite God's characteristics.

These stories are sometimes referred to a re-conversion or reversions, and while I am awed and fascinated by conversion stories be it former atheist, agnostic or baptist minister, I am most drawn to how faithful people are set on fire for the faith or even how those cradle Catholics keep from drifting away. This is my story.  A small town suburban girl with divorced parents, low self-esteem, and moderate means - that attended 9 years of Catechism, went to Mass for most of the school year while in what we called CCD, and then usually just Christmas and Easter after that - and I have no recollection of ever being in Mass with my Father. There were no bibles in my home until 8th grade catechism class when I received this red covered nearly see-through paper thin paged New American Bible as part of Confirmation prep.  Praying as a family took place only during really scary thunderstorms and occasionally before bed.   God was scary, death was petrifying and Hell was real - until I hit my teen years, then I was convinced differently .... READ MORE!

All Rights Reserved 2015, Allison Gingras
Cover Photo: Pixabay PD


  1. Yes, I'm one of those who grew up Catholic, had a fling with atheism, and ultimately returned to the faith. There's quite a few of us.


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