Following in the father's Footsteps: A Single Mom's Fear for Her Children

Following father's Footsteps Single Mom's Fear Children 12-28-15

It took a long time to get over my husband leaving, but I did. He made his choices. He was given free will by God, his Father. If God would not take away his free will and make him stay, who am I to try?

What took longer to get over was my fear that my children would turn out like him, that they too would cheat, leaving wives and families, justifying or turning a blind eye to damage done.

My children - These precious souls I carried inside me for nine months, who I nursed through infancy, whose brows I wiped sweat from in long, feverish nights, who I read stories to and did swim lessons with and whose dimpled little hands I held. These precious growing souls who I watched look up YouTube videos to learn how to tie a tie, who I bought acne cream and deodorant and first razors for while praying they didn't slice their own throats. These precious souls who gave me purpose when I thought I had none, who made me smile in my darkness, who brought me back to faith when I'd turned my anger on God.

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God Bless...
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