Song of Songs 30 Day Retreat Online: Invitation

10 Minute Daily Retreat - Read the Word of God with a prayerful heart.
By Susanne Timpani  
New Year's Resolution.
As the year draws to a close, many of us consider making a New Year's Resolution. Do we have goals to develop our love life?

Considered one of the greatest love songs in history, the Song of Songs appears in the Bible. Scholars believe that it describes the love between King Solomon, named simply as the 'Lover' and a local girl, the 'Beloved', who later became his wife.

Parallels are often drawn between their relationship and the love that exists between God and ourselves. 

The 10 Minute Daily Retreat invites you to participate in an online 30 Day Retreat, focusing on the Song of Songs. Throughout the month of January we will reflect on verses from the Song, travelling with the Beloved and Lover in a quest to love and be loved by Jesus, the Son of the living God.

Song of Songs 30 Day Retreat Online: Day 1


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