E-book Release:

Today, I am so happy to announce to you that my latest E-book, Beautiful Souls: Holiness in the Home, is finally for sale for 1.99 over on Amazon! {Yaay!}

From the Amazon description:
In this new e-book, Tacy Williams Beck seeks to discover the path to holiness as it relates to parenting, living by the Spirit in the home, and seeking to see the fruit of this holiness as a way of life.
This book has been a process. As you may or may not know, it started as a series on this blog. Although you might think: Why are you selling what is already available on your blog as an e-book? That doesn't make any sense! Well, the answer is simple. I want you to have it in a beautiful format, fully edited and ready to go. No distractions, no hullabaloo. I want you to be able to keep it in a more permanent, put-together form!

Please catch the e-book today, as it is only 1.99 for a limited time!  And if you don't mind, take a second to leave me a quick review on Amazon. I would love it, and it would be a huge favor to me, so that others hear your thoughts.

{read the rest at Picture a Skyline}


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