What's in a Name?
Names are important because they stand for who we are. It’s said that
hearing someone say our name is the sweetest sound to us. And how
embarrassing when we forget someone’s name or misspell it! Sometimes
children hurt each other by making fun of their names. People have their
loved one’s names tattooed on them. God says he has our name tattooed
on the palm of his hand! (Isaiah 49:16) Names are important to God too,
judging from Scripture. In Genesis he calls out names and the things
come to be. He gives Adam the power to name the animals. God had a habit
of changing people’s names: Abram became Abraham, Jacob became Israel,
and Simon became Peter. The new name signified something about the
person. (Did you ever notice how some people’s names fit their
occupations like Dr. Tozzi the podiatrist and Dr. Bright the dentist.)
Do you know what your baptismal name signifies? Click to continue
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