The Importance of Using Names
This week I watched a program in which a woman was asked about a
colleague, the actress Barbara Stanwyck. Her response was that Barbara
was unusual in that she made a point to learn the names of everyone who
was working on producing the movie, not just the cast but the whole
crew. By doing so, Barbara established a relationship with them, and
they all loved her. The importance of names came home to me again this
week as I edited a book based on the Gospels. The author referred to the
mother of James and John as just that and never used her name, Salome. I
commented that this was somewhat insulting to this great disciple who
supported Jesus and the apostles, stood at the cross, and was one of the
first at the tomb of the risen Lord. I reminded the author that someday
she might meet this woman face to face and that would be awkward. So
Salome is now named in the book! Click to continue
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