Feast of Saint Anthony of Padua

Today is the Feast Day of my favorite saint, Saint Anthony of Padua, Italy. Although a Portuguese native, he died in Padua, Italy in 1231. His remains are buried at the Basilica of Saint Anthony, in Padua, Italy, which I had the good fortune to visit back in 2011. He was a Franciscan friar, who dedicated his life to serving the poor. He is one of my favorite saints because he acts as my role model, in giving self-sacrificing love to Jesus, by always being willing to do God’s will and God’s will alone. Oh, if I could be like Saint Anthony, I would be a far better person!
Many acclaim Saint Anthony with being the patron saint of lost items. But, did you know that he is also known for his devotion to prayer, his knowledge of Scripture and as a theology scholar? He preached against heresies, bringing souls back to Christ. Also, he wrote theological sermons as well. Other kids may want to grow up to be like Mike (Michael Jordan), but I want to grow up to be like Saint Anthony of Padua!

Saint Anthony – My Role Model

If I could possess a scintilla of prowess as a Catholic public speaker, adjunct professor of theology and a Catholic writer, in comparison to this great saint, then I would be in my glory. Next to Jesus Christ, Himself, Saint Anthony is the perfect role model for me. Read more...


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