Why Our Lady of Lourdes? Prayer and Penance

Today is February 11, the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes. There are 69 approved miracles of physical healing that occurred at Lourdes, France. (About 7,000 have been submitted.) But perhaps there are many more miracles of spiritual healing resulting from Mary's visit to Earth back in 1858. I'm willing to bet that almost every family has at least one member who is in need of a miracle, physical or spiritual. We can help heal these sick people by enlisting Mary's aid. After all, she has been declared our mother by the Church and by Jesus himself. She is the one who prompted Jesus' first public miracle when the wine had run out at Cana—and at a time when he wasn't inclined to do so! This Jewish mother has clout with her Son. Here is today's reflection from my book "Heart to Heart with Mary," which you might find meaningful right now:
Praying for Sinners    Click to continue


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