Embrace Friendliness in the New Year

Looking for a New Year’s resolution, as we close out 2019, and move toward 2020? I have the best New Year’s resolution ever, considering the degree of divisiveness and vitriol language permeating our society.  Embrace friendliness! Make it a point to make friends with someone new each month, especially someone with whom you may not see eye to eye. You might be surprised at what you do have in common.

Embrace Friendliness

It never hurts to be kind and amiable to others; to offer support. Perhaps you have a relatively new coworker who could use a friend. Help that person navigate the politics of the work environment. Or, maybe, a new neighbor recently moved in. Show some kindness by inviting them for dinner or assist them in finding their way around town. Maybe, you see a new face at Church on Sunday. Introduce yourself and your family. Welcome the new parishioners and let them know some of the great things happening at your parish.
As you can see, there are numerous opportunities for you to make new friends and at the same time practice the virtue of friendliness. You might need to ... Read more...


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