God is Calling YOU!

As a Lay Dominican, one of the essential elements of our religious order is to observe what is happening around us and respond to it. The father of the Order, St. Dominic, was an itinerant preacher.  On one of his tours it is said that he walked over 3,000 miles, barefoot.

He seeded communities throughout his travels as he adamantly preached against heresies.  People gathered around him due to his charism which undoubtedly grew out of the scriptures.  He was known to carry the Gospel of Matthew with him.  So familiar with it was he, that he knew it by heart.  He also embraced chastity and religious poverty.

In the spirit of St. Dominic, I must say I am extremely impressed with the Church’s overwhelming, creative, outward response to the limitations imposed on us in regards to our inability to worship together and receive the Body and Blood of Jesus in the Eucharist together.

From the Vatican to our local neighborhood parishes, the Church has been offering a spiritual solution to a rising crisis.  This is actually a perfect representation of what we should be doing all the time.

I can’t help but say that it seems like we are rediscovering our roots in a very tangible way.  This “going out” that we see happening—from Eucharistic processions and even an in-flight blessing from 10,000 ft—can only be described as evangelistic.

It is not only for people in the Catholic community.  When a priest carrying a monstrance (which holds the consecrated bread, i.e., the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ) passes by, the blessings do not only fall on Catholic people and their households!

Jesus came for everyone and his blessing knows no limits, so if he passes by your house, be sure to come out if you can!

The power to convert is not within individual persons, but Jesus Christ himself.  I have heard from numerous people over the years who just sort of “showed up” at the church, asking questions, because they felt compelled to to do so, usually not realizing that they were simply responding to God’s call.

God is calling each of us.  He is relentless.  He never gives up on us. So, if today you get the idea that maybe you should see what all this religious fuss is about, do not be afraid.  Know that it is God who is seeking you.  All you have to do is show up and say Yes!

Janet Cassidy
janetcassidy.blubrry.net (podcasts)


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