Why didn’t I Thin with Age?

I was cleaning out my office over the winter, rearranging everything, and I must have grabbed an old stack of “typing paper” and placed it in my filing cabinet on top of an unopened pack of “copy paper.”

Since the typing paper was on top, and open, I put it in my printer because I had to run some things off.  I was so shocked after I ran my copies.

The “typing paper” from 1986 was so thin you could almost see through it.  In fact, it was so thin I thought maybe it was tracing paper or something.  I guess as a side note, I should mention that I am as shocked as you are that I have a pack of 34 year old typing paper.  Do you suppose that is why it is so thin? 

Back in ’86 I must have gotten too busy to do much typing.  Our son was two years old, so I probably didn’t have time.  But to think that paper is older than our oldest daughter is kind of weird, if not a little embarrassing.

And here’s what I really don’t understand—if my typing paper thinned with age, why didn’t I?

Don’t answer that.

It is important to accept reality; to do so helps us move forward.

I have been thinking about that lately because the reality is, many people’s lives have changed over the last few weeks.  Maybe you have lost your job and are wondering what is going to happen now.  How will you pay your bills, the mortgage, the rent or buy groceries for your family?

These are very painful, very real questions that many people are facing today.

The one thing I know for sure is that answers to those questions will come from places unexpected.  We do not want to ever lose hope, because things will turn around for us, even if we do not see how, or know when.

We can count on each other.  People are rising up like never before to help out.

We can count on God.  He’s always been there for us and will never let us down.

Hope pushes away defeat.  It brings light.  It promises tomorrow will come.  It allows us to believe—make that know—that following Good Friday there is always the resurrection, and in between those, we have Holy Saturday, a day of patient anticipation that Jesus will always follow through on his promises.

Janet Cassidy


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