Overwhelmed by Division?




Today’s reading (Ephesians 2:14 ff) is perfect for what we are going through as a country right now.  If you feel overwhelmed by the news, COVID and the election, this is the reading for you!

In addressing the dispute between the Gentiles (non-Jews) and the Jews, Paul describes how unifying Christ is and that it is Jesus that breaks down the “dividing wall of enmity” and through his death on the cross, creates “in himself one new person in place of the two, thus establishing peace,” bringing reconciliation to all with God.  Through Christ’s preaching peace to all, everyone has “access in one Spirit to the Father.”

Maybe Jesus wasn’t dealing with a pandemic or an ugly election process, but the turbulent times in which he lived needed to hear this, as we do today.

The message is the same, and relevant.

It isn’t for us Christians to promote division by our words and deeds.  Our work is to speak a word of peace into chaos; to be witnesses to Christ and to be reconcilers who, like Jesus, bring peace into a place where divisions runs deep.

If we can stay above the fray and speak confidently and firmly of our belief that peace in the midst of violence is possible because of our access to the Father in one Spirit, we can avoid contributing to the problem.

I understand having strong convictions and the necessity at times to speak up, but in this challenging environment, perhaps more than my anger and frustration, the world needs a unifying perspective, a word of peace, the message for which Jesus died on the cross.

Do what you can today, to bring peace to your little corner of the world, offering love in place of hatred and healing in place of sickness. 

Janet Cassidy




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