Who Me, Preach?

An important attitude for parishes to adopt is one of Intentional Discipleship . Sherry Weddell in her book Forming Intentional Disciples describes the self-awareness necessary for individuals to see themselves as a disciple, as well as the necessity of having a personal encounter with Christ, as the stimulus to move a parish from a state of stagnation to a state of vibrancy. It just so happens that today’s reading from the 10 th Chapter of Paul’s Letter to the Romans, Verses 9-18, gives us a perfect example of discipleship, without actually naming it as such. Paul says that we will be saved if we “confess” with our mouth that Jesus is Lord, adding that we must “believe” in our heart that God raised Jesus from the dead. Do you do those things? Here’s the key . . . While you may call on the name of the Lord and be saved, what about everyone else? What about people who have not believed, or not heard? How can they call on Jesus if they have not heard ...