Day 2


2nd Day of Christmas.

               The Feast of the Holy Family

             HAPPY CHRISTMAS

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

Today the Gospel gives us the story of Jesus being lost when He was twelve years old. 

After three days of looking for Him  and travelling all the way back to Jerusalem Mary and Joseph find Him in the temple. As a mother I know I would be beside myself if one of my children went missing for even a short time, but three days? 

We are told:   "They were overcome when they saw Him and His mother said to Him, "My child, why have you done this to us? See  how worried your father and I have been, looking for you.""

Jesus was born into a family, with a mother and father ( albeit foster father) , and, for me this episode in their family life gives us a peak into the reality. We don't have many of our Holy mother's words recorded for us , so these are important to us. God wants us to ponder on them. They are so beautiful, so human. 

Maybe Mary  could say the same  to you, to me. Maybe she comes looking for me when I  sometimes get lost, and, unlike Jesus,  find myself going in the opposite direction to my Father's house. 

I love this feast too because it speaks of the importance of family.

Being with some of my grandchildren this Christmas has highlighted the great need our society has for good families. 


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